Create New User

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Create New User

The instructions below are for setting up a new user in DPF. Users will be able to access to DPF and EzyPO with the same login credentials.

To prime the user creation, please ensure that the System Defaults have been set up as per our guide here DPF - System Defaults | User Setup: For every value set in the System Defaults, new users will have these settings automatically applied, which will reduce the amount of manual work to set up each user.

Users with Admin accounts can set up new users in a production. To create an Admin account, please contact Customer Support, or another Administrator can create this account for you. User Guide: Create New Admin User

NOTE: Some users will already have access to another production that uses the same Company ID. Make sure the user is set up in the new production using the same User Login name. This will link the accounts so the user can access both productions under the same account and won’t need to remember different passwords for each. In this case, you will not need to send an email invite from the new production. If the email invite is sent, the user’s password will be reset for both productions.

NOTE: you can use the import / paste in method if preferred. See the user guide here: Create New User - via the import method

Save the received User Setup Form file to the EzyPO folder within its corresponding Sharepoint Production folder.

From the left-hand side navigation, go to Setup > User Setup

From the left-hand side search box, type in the name of the user to make sure they don’t already have an account


On the top right-hand side, click the plus button to create a new user


Select the User Type that you are creating:

Buyer: Creates the transactions. Can edit and send for approval.

Buyer/Approver: Combination role. Can perform both Buyer and Approver duties.

Approver: Approves transactions sent to them. Some editing options available if enabled.

Finance: Read only account. Can view all transactions but can’t edit anything.

Admin: The administrator user for the production (cannot send or approve with this user account).

Tenancy Admin: N/A (TPH only)

For more information about user permissions, please see this table.



Please fill out the Users Details:

User Name: First name / surname

User Login: First initial plus surname (recommended - if an Eclipse user, must match, and this is the TPH convention.)

Email Address: User’s email address.

Initials: The user's initials.

Department (can type in Dept name) - this controls what other documents people can see. If you’d like this user to see all POs for the ART department, for example, type in ART here.

Country Code: Country code for their mobile number

Mobile Number: User’s mobile number.

Standard user type:


Admin user type:


Buyers Details - Basic


Approval Groups: The group that the individual's orders will go to for approval

Invoice OCR Email: Email address that the buyer can use to send invoices to DPF.

Include OCR Success in Email Summary: By default the OCR Summary email is only sent on failure. This will enable sending success messages each time an invoice is successfully processed by the OCR module.

Eclipse Username: Used for accountants who need to link their eclipse with DPF. The username of their eclipse login would be entered here. This is helpful when your DPF login does not match your Eclipse login.

Generate PO#: Choose to generate PO number for all POs created by buyer at the draft stage.

Note: the PO# will not be generated upon PO creation due to the amount being $0. The number will generate once the PO has been edited e.g. adding a transaction line

Accounts Email: The email address of which a copy of approved orders are to be sent to once fully approved. (Includes POs, Invoices, Expenses, Documents)

Allow Bank Details: Allow buyer to enter bank details into a new or existing vendor

CC User Email: CC’s this email address to all emails sent to the user.


Approver Details - Basic


Approve via Email/PDA: Turn on if you want to enable approvals via email. The Approver can then reply to the email which will approve the transaction. If this option is disabled, the approver will not receive any approval emails. Note: This option affects all modules and there is no ability to toggle per module.

Notify by Email: Turn on if you want the approver to be emailed each time a new Order is allocated to them. If the user is not approving each Order via email (the setting above) they can instead be alerted when they have orders to approve. Note: This option affects the Order module only.

HTML Email: The Default is to receive plain text approval emails. If HTML format is selected, there will be an Approve or Decline button that can be clicked in the email to approve the record. Note: This option affects the Order module only.

Show Popup Confirmation On HTML Emails: When clicking the approve or decline buttons in the HTML approval emails - the user will be given a confirm prompt when the website loads if this option is enabled. Note: This option affects the Order module only.


CC Approval Email: If approver has two email addresses, can enter in second email here, so that if they approve via either email address, they system will recognise it


Send Order Email
Send Invoice Email
Send Expense Email
Send Document Email
Send Timecard Email

  • Toggles sending the specific approval emails per module. The options available are:

    • Approvals - Emails will allow reply approvals.

    • Notifications - Emails are only alerts. Records will need to be approved in DPF.

    • Off - No approval emails are sent.












User Details: tick on the modules the user will have access to

  • You can select from: PO, Invoices, Expenses, Documents and Timecards.

  • Note that: Payments, Journals and Dist Changes are currently not used and are still in development.


Buyer Details - Advanced:

Change In Amount: Allows order to be changed by a certain amount without requiring to be sent for reapproval. If both Change in Amount and Change in Percent have been set, the system will use the LOWER range.

Change In Percent: Allows order to be changed by a certain percent without requiring to be sent for re-approval. If both Change in Amount and Change in Percent have been set, the system will use the LOWER range.

Generate PO# Up to: Allows PO numbers to be generated on orders up to a certain total amount. Eg, $1500.

If above that figure, the order # won't created until it's been approved.


Buyer Details - Email Addresses:

There is the option in DPF to have different email addresses for each module.

For example, if you wanted invoices to go to a different email address, you can put the invoice email address in this field.


If this field is left blank, copies of the transactions will be sent to the Accounts email address listed above


The exception to this is Timecards - they won’t be sent to the Accounts email. **Note: if setting up a Timecard operator, this field must be filled out to ensure a copy of the approved timecard is emailed.



Other Buyer Details - Advanced

Chart Sort: The currency, location and episode of a chart code. This will usually determine what chart codes appear in a users list.

Chart Code: Assigns a specific chart code to the user which will be prefilled in their transaction lines.

Security Level: Assigns the security level for the buyer. This feature is typically used for COA restrictions and vendor restrictions. Users can only see suppliers or chart of accounts that match their security level. If set to 0, can see everything as per normal.

Block Hire Reminder Emails: Restrict hire reminder emails from being sent to the buyer and suppliers.

Timecard Entry: List will provide the hours and minutes listed in a drop - down list. Text will allow the buyer to add the time by manually typing. (We recommend that list is used for this feature).

Timecard Accounts User: Allows user to see all unassigned Timecards in the Drafts section even if they did not create the timecard. Accounts users are also able to move timecards into batches and send them for approval.

Timecard Accounts User View Payslips: Allows accounts user to view and download payslips in DPF. Payslips will never be included in emails and will only be viewable on DPF.

Timecard Interval: This will display the interval of minutes in the timecard entry list

Timecard Sub-Production Filter: Filters the timecards the user has access to by a production dropdown list. User will only be able to see Timecards from this Production.


Timecard Department Filter: Filters the timecards the user has access to by a department dropdown list. User will only be able to see Timecards from this Department.

Full Timecard Approved Access: Allows the user to see all fully approved timecards, even if they did not send or approve the timecard.

Force Valid Chart Codes: Requires the user to only add valid chart codes in orders. This restriction will prohibit the user from saving a order with an invalid chart code

Allow User To Edit Linked Draft Order: Allows the buyer to edit another buyers draft order. By default a user cannot edit another user’s order.

COA Security Group: The security group assigned to each user. This will determine which chart codes a user can see and select.
Note: Setting this to ‘ALL’ will give the user access to all account codes.

Block Supplier Edit: Restricts user from adding and editing vendors.


Default Currency: The currency is used for pre-populating the currency field when creating a new supplier. If this has not been set for a user, it will use the currency set in the System Default Currency instead: DPF - System Defaults | Order Defaults:





Security Settings: (minimum requirements)

Access Start Date: Set the date for access

Access End Date: Set the date to cease access

Password Strength: We recommend leaving at the default Strong to force users to have secture password.

Password Expiry Days: The Days before the user’s password expires. After X days user will need to reset their password.

Inactivity Lockout Days: The Days before a user is locked out for inactivity in DPF. If a user has not logged in for X days the user will be locked out of the system.

Password Never Expires: Users password never expires

Two Factor Authentication: Enables two factor authentication for the selected user for their email or their mobile number. The two options are selectable via the dropdown menu.

User Must Change Password: Tick this on when you want the user to reset their password on next login. By default when an invite email is sent out, this is ticked on.

Locked Out: Lock user from accessing the database. This button will need to be unticked when a user has to many incorrect password attempts.

Account Disable: Disable the users account from access. Usually selected when the user leaves a production or has been terminated from access

Last Login: Last login date

Lockout Date: Date user was locked out from the DB.


Once the user has been saved, you need to send the invite which will email the user their login details.

  1. Click the circle on the left of the name.

  2. On the right-hand side, click the 3 dots, and click Send Invite.

  3. The screen will reload and the user status will update to reflect the invite status.



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