2024 - Digital Forms Updates

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2024 - Digital Forms Updates


23 December 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-5790 Initial release of the Tax Risk module for Digital Forms with the ability manage the potential tax risk statuses of crew members. By default this module is disabled for productions and must be enabled to access it.

17 December 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-5439 Initial release of the Document Distribution module for Digital Forms with the ability to create contacts, groups and email distribution lists. By default this module is disabled for productions and must be enabled to access it.

10 December 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4782 The Clone action will now copy confidential documents and strip out any OF user data. Any data entered by a DF Admin will not be stripped out.

04 December 2024

Online Forms

TPHP-5938 Fixed a bug where an approved contract could have missing signatures for Approver users.

29 November 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-6072 Changed the vertical scaling to be more horizontal for the Notes field when displaying or editing.


TPHP-6123 Fixed a bug in the Insert Document screen where the Department field would throw an incorrect validation error when trying to save the document.

TPHP-4994 Improved how the system handles the deployment of updates for users. Users should now receive the latest frontend update when logging in without needing to refresh their browser cache.

TPHP-6003 Removed the entry requirement for the value field in the Form Templates module to better support TPH Payroll uploaded contracts.

TPHP-4748 Added missing asterisks to required fields in the Form Packs module.

21 November 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-6127 Fixed a bug where the ADMIN account was missing the Resend Fully Approved Email from the Approved section.

14 November 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-5105 / TPHP-5055 Added three additional data fields into the Insert Document screen, Reports, and the Data Grid UI: Department, Position and Notes.

TPHP-4741 Added the ability to set required fields for External Signers when creating creating a new document. These fields are then marked as required when the External Signer is filling out their contract on Online Forms.

TPHP-5133 Fixed a bug where adding a new field into Form Templates would scroll the user back to the top of the page.

TPHP-5481 Blocked the modify action when a record only has confidential documents.

TPHP-6023 Extended support for uploading attachments in various file types, such as hceic.

TPHP-4741 Fixed a bug where the field types for text and string were not rendered correctly and text entered into these fields was being cut off in both Online Forms and Digital Forms.

29 October 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4653 Simplified the login flow so that if there is only one production in your user list, it automatically logs into it.

TPHP-5436 Fixed a bug where emails were failing to be resend from the Resend Email button in the Pending section.

21 October 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-5132 Fixed a bug in Form Templates where dragging and re-ordering Form Entry fields was not working correctly.

TPHP-5606 Fixed a bug where certain attachment filetypes were failing to upload to Freelance Portal if the account was linked.

24 September 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-5803 Fixed a bug in the Account Edit Access workflow where the Mobile Code field had incorrect validation.

TPHP-5578 Fixed a bug that prevented signatures from appearing on Landscape PDF forms.

23 September 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4954 We’ve refactored the entire Account Edit Access workflow in Digital Forms to make it easier to edit account access fields for all forms in the one screen and manage attachments.

  • Previously, all fields for all forms were displayed on the Account Edit Access screen. Now, only the Account Edit Access fields will be displayed on the one screen, separated by each form, making it significantly easier to edit the desired fields.

  • You can now upload user attachments and delete user attachments on a per form basis when in the Account Edit Access screen.


6 September 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4388 / TPHP-4969 / TPHP-5218 / TPHP-5580 Implemented the ability to bulk download contracts from Digital Forms. Once you’ve made your selection and hit the download button, the files will be prepared for you in a zip file and sent as a web link to the email address for your Digital Form user account.

There are two options to choose from when downloading contracts:

  1. Download as individual files:

    • Provides all individual forms for the contract as individual PDF files.

    • Does not include any uploaded user attachments from External Signers.

    • Does not include confidential forms if the user downloading the files does not have access to them.

  2. Download as individual files with user attachments:

    • Provides all individual forms for the contract as individual PDF files.

    • Includes all user attachments uploaded by External Signers.

    • Does not include confidential forms if the user downloading the files does not have access to them.



TPHP-5337 Fixed a bug where typing into the comment box was slow, where characters would take a long time to appear as you typed.

TPHP-4224 Fixed a bug with the Internal Reminder Email toggle under User Setup and Edit Profile where the checkbox was not correctly reflecting the on or off state.

29 August 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4224 We’ve implemented the option to turn off Approval Notification Emails if you are an approver user.

Navigate to the Edit Profile screen from your Dashboard and uncheck the Internal Reminders checkbox to stop Approval Notification Emails being sent to you.


TPHP-5225 Fixed a bug when switching between different modification versions of the same contract and the comments not displaying for the selected version number.

TPHP-5225 Fixed a bug when switching between different modification versions of the same contract, where leaving a comment on the contract would only save to the latest version of the contract and not the selected version.

TPHP-5220 Fixed a bug in the Setting Page where the header text was overlapping UI elements.

27 August 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-3897 The Approval table for each record will now display the Date and Timestamp for the following actions on a contract:

  • the date the contract is sent to an approver user for approval

  • the date the contract is approved by an approver user

  • the date the contract is sent to an external signer to fill in their details

  • the date the contract is completed and submitted by an external signer


20 August 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-5054 Comments saved against a contract in Digital Forms will now save the version number of the contract the comment was saved against. Now when a user views the Contract’s comments, each comment will display a version number.

TPHP-5082 Fixed a bug where a user could save or send a contract for approval when it was missing External Signers.

TPHP-4915 Added additional system logging into Digital Forms to catch potential errors and bugs.

15 August 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4732 Fixed a bug with the Edit Profile screen where it could fail to save setting changes.

TPHP-5056 Implemented colour coding for the Status column in the Excel Report. Example attached.


9 August 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4975 The PDF Previewer has been added to the Draft section of Digital Forms.

TPHP-4975 The comments button in Digital Forms is now available every section for a contract so internal users can view all the comments that have been left on a contract at any stage.

TPHP-4975 The Decline Reason left by an Approver or External Signer when declining a contract will now save directly into the comments of a contract.

TPHP-4975 The Decline Reason left by an Approver or External Signer when declining a contract will now be displayed in all sections when using the More Detail button.

7 August 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-3861 Implemented the ability to define the naming convention for the filenames of the generated PDF contracts in the system.

The file naming convention applies to the filenames when they are downloaded from Digital Forms, sent in an email to users, and when uploaded to user’s Freelance Portal accounts.

TPHP-4195 Added additional validation when creating form packs to ensure duplicate DB Fields cannot be assigned across multiple forms.

2 August 2024

Online Forms

TPHP-4348 Fixed a bug in the OF workflow that could cause issues with older browser versions and UI elements displaying incorrectly (e.g. small checkboxes)

31 July 2024

Online Forms

TPHP-4979 Added confirmation feedback on the Next button in the Privacy Policy screen when a user has not ticked all checkboxes to continue to the next screen.

25 July 2024

Online Forms

TPHP-4979 Implemented the ability in Online Forms for an External Signer to decline a contract by providing a mandatory decline reason.

  • An email will be sent out to the creator of the contract notifying them that the External Signer has declined the contract.

  • The declined contract will then appear in the Declined section of Digital Forms with the reason the External Signer provided.

  • The creator can then send the contract back to their Drafts and make amendments, then send it off again for signing and approval.

Digital Forms

TPHP-4703 Fixed a bug with the Print button in the PDF Viewer freezing the UI. It will now correctly bring up the browser printing panel when clicked.

TPHP-5036 Fixed a bug where not all the distribution emails were populating the Resend Email button when sending out a Fully Approved Contract Email.

22 July 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-3529 Implemented the ability to set specific fields as masked when in the Form Entry screen. When generating an Excel Report these fields will have their data masked.

TPHP-4769 Updated the Office addresses in the Help Page.

17 July 2024

Online Forms

TPHP-4738 Fixed a bug that would cause a contract to be stuck if the External Signer changed their signature part way through the contract’s approval.

Digital Forms

TPHP-4738 Fixed a bug that would cause a contract to be stuck if the approver changed their signature part way through the contract’s approval.

TPHP-4961 Fixed a bug that could cause missing signature files for approvers or External Signers which resulted in contract being stuck in the system

15 July 2024

Online Forms

TPHP-4704 Integrated TPH Legal Notices and Privacy Disclaimers into the Online Forms workflow when completing a contract.

TPHP-4806 Implemented performance improvements when users click Next in Online Forms to load the next document.

Digital Forms

TPHP-4704 Fully Approved Contract emails will now contain one link with the contract attachments stored inside a zip file. This replaces the individual links for each attachment that were being sent out previously.

TPHP-4704 Implemented the ability to resend the Fully Approved Contract Emails from the Digital Forms UI.

  • This button is only available in the Approved section.

  • Only Admin accounts or the creator of the contract have access to this button to resend Approved Contract Emails.

TPHP-4838 Fixed a bug where form packs were appearing for users in the list when they should not have.

TPHP-4897 Fixed a bug where form packs were not viewable in the dropdown in the Form Packs screen.

11 July 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4740 Implemented an error message popup that displays all mandatory fields that have not been filled in when a user clicks the Save button.

TPHP-4740 Implemented asterisk symbols to serve as a visual indicator when a field on a form is set as mandatory.

TPHP-4719 Implemented the ability for ADMIN accounts to resend the Online Forms contract link emails to external signers. A new button called Resend Email is available for all pending contracts.

TPHP-4797 Fixed a bug where adding a comment to an approved contract would send the user back to the Draft section. It will now stay in the Approved section.

TPHP-4797 Fixed a bug where the Form Sign By table which lists signer details did not have its text aligned correctly and was cut off by the edge of the table.

TPHP-4797 Fixed a bug in the Draft Document page where the date fields could not be cleared once a value had been entered.

4 July 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-2919 Performance improvements have been implemented when a user clicks the Approve button, especially for final approvers.

TPHP-4528 Added a confirmation popup on deletion of contracts in the drafts section.

TPHP-4754 Fixed a bug where any attachments uploaded by external signers were not being sent to users in the distribution list, only creators and external signers.

TPHP-3614 Fixed a bug where user’s full names were displaying in all lowercase in emails sent from Digital Forms.

TPHP-4607 Fixed a bug where External Signer details were not updating correctly if more than one External Signer was assigned to a contract.

TPHP-4794 Fixed a bug where importing Form Packs via excel would throw an error.

1 July 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-3183 Implemented automatic approval reminders that are sent out to all approvers when they have pending contracts to approve.

  • This automatic email is sent out at the start of each day with a count of the number of pending contracts still needing the user’s approval.

  • Approvers can turn this option off form their Dashboard by editing their profile.

TPHP-2615 Implemented the ability to set a contract with a TPH Payroll flag when creating a contract.

  • If a contract has this option enabled, once it is fully approved the contract is automatically sent to the TPH Payroll team for processing.

TPHP-4593 Fixed a bug where Form Packs were incorrectly showing for all users.

28 June 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4577 Fixed a bug if you pressed the approve button without selecting a contract. The first contract in the list will now always be selected when moving to a new section.

TPHP-4551 An error message will now display when a user clicks Save and Send when creating a contract and and no approver group has been assigned.

TPHP-4816 Fixed a bug where changing an existing user to a different user role would not save.

TPHP-4623 Fixed a bug where a contract would skip the first approver when sent for approval if it was moved back to drafts without any edits.

TPHP-2441 Fixed a bug where system admins were not able to delete a newly created project.

18 June 2024

Digital Forms

TPHP-4775 Fixed a bug where specific form packs were sending back an error code that required fields were missing and validation had failed.

TPHP-4642 When changing a form pack while in the creation stage, the system will now retain the information for already entered fields.

TPHP-4592 Fixed a bug where the project name could not be changed or saved.

TPHP-4640 Fixed a bug when users don’t select a country code for the mobile number and save the contract, which was bypassing mobile phone number validation.



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