DPF Eclipse Integration

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DPF Eclipse Integration




This article will guide you through entering an invoice or petty cash expense in Eclipse and then sending it to the new Digital Paperflow website where you can acquire digital signatures.  Once the document is fully approved you will be able to post as usual in Eclipse.

This procedure is just a temporary solution to acquire digital signatures until the full release of Digital Paper Flow.


1. Open Accounts Payable > Invoice Entry and insert a new batch, or open an existing batch.  

2. Click insert to add a new invoice.  

3. Once in the Invoice Entry screen, click the Attachments tab.  Then click the Select Files button to add the PDF attachment of the invoice.


4. Find and select the pdf on your computer and click the Attach button.  Remember in Eclipse, your computer's C: Drive is listed as the M: Drive.  

Note: This window cannot accept long file paths ie (M:/Desktop/Users/Jsnow/ Dropbox/ AP/ Jan21/ Panalux 99124.pdf). If you get an error message when attempting to attach, try moving the pdf to your desktop and attaching from there.

5. The Invoice pdf will now appear in the viewer window, confirming it has been successfully attached.

6. Click on the Invoice Details tab and continue entering the Invoice as usual, drawing-down any necessary purchase orders.  Click the OK button once complete.

7. You will then be directed back to the Unposted Invoice List window.   Highlight the invoice (s), then right-click and select Send to DPF.  Then click the Start button.  

Note if you receive an error message at this stage it means you have not been enabled to use this feature, contact support@helpdesk.tphglobal.com


8. The invoice has now disappeared from the original batch and has been moved to a new batch called DPF Draft Invoices. Once it has been sent for approval in DPF, it will move to the DPF Pending Invoices Batch.  Then once fully approved it will move to the DPF Approved Invoices Batch, where it can be posted.


9. Now login to the DPF website using your EzyPO login details:

Digital Paper Flow


10.  Click on the Draft Invoices section where you can find the invoice you just sent from Eclipse.


11.  From here you can click the Edit button to change any details of the invoice, including the approval group.


12.  Once you are ready to send the invoice for approval, click the Send button. Once sent, the approval will receive an email to login to DPF to approve.

Note:  The approver will only get one notification email every hour for up to ten orders.  This way the approver's inbox will not get spammed with notification emails.  Let Support know if you would like to make changes to the frequency of the notification emails.


13.  The Invoice has now moved to the Pending section.  You can see that the Invoice is sitting with the first approver TLannister.  


14.  Once the Approver logs into DPF they can click the Approve Invoices section to view all invoices awaiting their approval.