Settings, Profile, & User Defaults

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Settings, Profile, & User Defaults

Background: This article is aimed at assisting all types of users e.g. Approvers & Operators in setting up their DPF account correctly from the start of their DPF journey.

Context: Your personal details, signature, data entry defaults and other fields need to be populated to streamline the workflows you will be taking part of; for example setting up your signature as a Purchase Order Approver ensures it is visible on POs you approve.

For your convenience these are all accessible from one drop down menu:




This is where some of your data entry defaults can be populated in addition to your Dashboard configuration.

 User Defaults

Additional module specific data entry defaults can be set up in this window, if not sure though you can reach out to your production system admin or TPH Support.


This is where your password, email address and signature can be updated. The photo is optional.