Comments In DPF

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Comments In DPF

Background: The comments section allows buyers and approvers of a particular order in all modules to communicate within DPF. The instructions below explain how to add a comment and send it via email to all buyers and approvers or leave it to be seen in DPF.


Context: The comments added can be used to provide instructions, clarify details entered or as an audit trail for the buyer and approvers.


  1. Once you are logged in to DPF, navigate to the order in the specified module. Now select it so that the right side bar options become available for the order. Next navigate to the comment section as shown below. There may be instances where you need to click the kebab menu also highlighted to reveal the comments section



2. Click the + icon to add a comment.


3. Add the comment and specify whether it should be sent as an email to the buyers and all approvers of the order or just added as a comment for reference in the DPF. Once the comment has been entered click save.