Quick Start Guide

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Quick Start Guide

This article provides instructions to new DPF users with no or little exposure to the Digital Paper Flow login interface and landing page. Ideally an e-mail invite with all login details will be sent you. In the case where you have been advised that it was already sent but yet to show in you inbox, it’s a good idea to check your junk mail which could be potentially filtering out unknown sources. Otherwise you can reach out to TPH Support: support@helpdesk.tphglobal.com


  • Look for the TPH email notification in your Inbox,

  • Not there ? Probably elsewhere !

  • The e-mail will include the link to the website https://www.digitalpaperflow.com/ and your login credentials. You will be prompted the change you temporary password,

The menu bar on your landing page shows the DPF modules assigned to you and depending on your role (Operator, Approver, Accounts) you may have additional items relating to Setup and Reporting. Only the modules assigned to you by your Admin will be available, e.g. Orders and Invoices.

Your interactive dashboard in the center of the home page will show progress and count of the workflows relating to each module.

To enhance your learning experience and get a head start with your DPF features and functionalities it’s a good idea to check module specific articles on the go. For a comprehensive list please check:

Digital Paper Flow

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