Hold Purchase Orders

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Hold Purchase Orders

Orders that are in the Approve Orders section can be moved into the Hold Orders section by clicking on the Hold  icon. This is simply to move it out of the approve folder, so it does not accidentally get approved while you are awaiting more information on the order. From the Hold Orders tab, you can proceed with one of the below actions:


Approve - click the Approve  icon next to the order to approve. The order will then move to the next person in the approval chain for approval until it is fully approved.

Decline - click the Decline  icon next to the order to reject. When you reject an order the originator of the order will be notified by email with the comments on the order included. It's a good idea to add a comment why you rejected the order, so the person doesn't need to contact you about it unless you want them to. The Declined order will then move to the Decline tab where the originator can view all declined POS.

Edit - click the Edit  icon next to the order to edit PO. In here you can edit the description, the chart code, the tracking codes and amount.

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