Pending Purchase Orders

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Pending Purchase Orders

Once a draft order is sent for Approval it will show up in your Pending Orders Folder.


Each PO can be selected in the left side bar. 

  • Move - This button moves the PO back to the Draft page for editing. To move multiple orders at once, tick the orders and use the Move button at the top of the screen.
    Note: Any approvers that have approved the PO may need to re-approve the PO, depending on the settings of the approval chain. Adding a comment to an edited order may help avoid confusion when the PO is sent for Approval again.

  • Copy - This button copies the PO and creates a draft for editing. The copy can be found in the draft order.

  • Approval - A list of the approvers that have need to approve the PO.

  • Comments - Any comments added to the PO by the operator or approvers.

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