Exporting POs from DPF to PSL/PMI

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Exporting POs from DPF to PSL/PMI

You can export a copy of Fully Approved POs from DPF to your accounting package. The export file is in XML format.


1. Ensure that the correct XML export file has been setup. An ADMIN account or TPH Support can ensure this is correctly setup for you by following this guide: Set the Default XML Export in DPF (PSL, PMI)


2. Once your XML export is setup, log in to DPF with your standard user account and navigate to the Approved Orders section.


3. Select all the POs you would like to export by ticking the individual selection checkboxes or the Select All checkbox.


4. Click the 3 dots on the right hand sidebar to load the advanced options.


4. Scroll down on the sidebar until you see an Export section with EXCEL and XML available. Click XML to begin your export and save the file.


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