BBC VAT Report

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BBC VAT Report

BBC have a special VAT Report designed for them that runs from Ledger Inquiry to Excel. All BBC Productions are setup with this report. 


This report was designed specifically to pick up journal payroll entries that all use the same transaction number. In order for these entries to show up in this special VAT report The user entering in the journal entry must ensure the following for the report to work:

Entering in Journals correctly

1. All journal entries in the batch must have the same transaction number.


2. The user must use a unique invoice number in the batch to link the different entries. 


3. The EmpRef is left blank.


4. If you are unsure your journals have been entered into a batch correctly, before you post them into the Ledger you can run the VAT Report over the unposted Journals. To do this, select your VAT Report from Ledger Inquiry but de-select your Source Codes and Select only Unposted Journals in your selection tab.

  • Untick all the source codes for posted data

  • Tick Journals in Unposted Batches

  • Make sure Calculate Net Tax Amount is ticked


Running the BBC VAT Report

To run the BBC VAT Report the user must select BBC VAT from the dropdown list and follow the config below:

  • Run only over the VAT Account

  • Run to Excel/CSV only. Having this item unticked will export the Standard VAT Report to PDF.

  • In the selection tab, Tick Calculate Net Tax Amount and ensure all Source Codes (posted data) is included except Purchase Orders.


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