Setting an Entry Batch as Private

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Setting an Entry Batch as Private

The creator of an entry batch has the ability to set the batch as Private. This prevents any other user in Eclipse from viewing and interacting with the batch by making it hidden for all other users.


Setting a batch as Private

To set a batch as Private you first need to create a batch under Journal Entry, Petty Cash Entry, Invoice Cheque Entry, or Purchase Order Entry.


1. Once you have Inserted a batch, right click it and select Batch Rename.


2. A window will popup. Tick the Private checkbox and then click OK.

  • Changing the Description will rename the batch making it easier to differentiate from others in the list.


Note: If the Private checkbox is not clickable this is because you are not the creator of the batch. Only the creator of the batch can make it Private.


3. After the Private checkbox is ticked the batch is now private and only you can interact with it. Untick the checkbox if you want the batch to be public again.


Allowing multiple users to see a PO Entry Batch

The PO Entry batch has the ability to have multiple users assigned to it for multiple users to access the same batch. Invoice, Petty Cash, and Journals do not have this functionality.


1. The creator of the Private PO Batch must go into Control Table → Batch Rename. Find the PO Batch you want to assign to multiple users.

  • In this example it is batch 1493 created by REEL.


2. In the User column enter in the Eclipse user logins for all other users you want to also see the batch. Make sure to use a comma to separate the names.

  • In this example we want the Eclipser users KANDRAS, JC and TPHOP to access it. Therefore we would add KANDRAS, JC, TPHOP with a space between in comma to the User column.


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