How to Unreconcile Transactions

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How to Unreconcile Transactions

Note: You cannot reset a reconcile number to 0 from inside Eclipse, you must do it in the Excel sheet and then paste it in to update by following this guide.


How to Unreconcile Transactions

1. Find the transactions you wish to unreconcile in the Budget WorksheetTransactions tab. They will have the same number under the Rec column if they have been reconciled together.


2. Highlight the transactions(s), right-click and select Excel.  

  • Use either the Select All checkbox or use CRTL+SHIFT+CLICK to select multiple rows.

3. In Excel change the Rec column (Column P) to zeroes for all the transactions you wish to reset the reconcile number for.

  • Then highlight the cells with data in it and right-click and select copy.  

  • Only copy Column A to AC

  • Do not copy the HEADER or FOOTER rows

4. Go back to the Transactions window in Eclipse, right-click and select paste. The transactions are now unreconciled.


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