Amending/Changing Approval Groups

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Amending/Changing Approval Groups

Background: The article below explains the procedure to make approval group changes correctly without breaking of effecting the current order in the approval process. There are three main changes that can occur with an approval group, the article provides an example of each one.



Context: Approval groups may need to be changed at any given time during a production. This may come in the form of sequence positions or just completely different approvers due to people leaving the production or a new workflow changes.







Login as an administrator


Go to the Setup → Approval Setup


Select the approval group requiring changes. In this example we will use the Production approval group


Now select the module that requires change


Excluding Original Approver And Replacing With New Approver

Now that the approvers are visible we will make the necessary changes.

  1. We must exclude the original approver from receiving any further orders.

-Select the approver, then click above and set the amount to out of scope. Click Save to finalise the changes.

(Out of scope will be $99,999,999)





2. Next add the new approver

-The approvers should be listed as shown in the screenshot. Click add to select a new approver






-Select the approver from the drop- down list and fill in the necessary details such as whether they will approve All, Above or Between order amounts.

-Now make sure the approval position and signature position are selected to replace the approver we previously excluded.



3. The final approval group should be look similar to the example shown









Amending Approval Positions Only

We assume that you already have the approval group selected and the module open.


1.See the current approval list




2. Select the approver that needs to be moved to a different position in the approval group.






-Now with the approvers details open, change the approval sequence and signatory position to the required and click save.




-The approvers should now appear as shown in the screenshot





3. We can see that there are now two approvers listed at number 3 for approval. This will need to be changed.


-Select the other approvers whose position needed to be changed and repeat step 2.


4. The final approval group should be look similar to the example shown
















Excluding Approver and Amending Current Approver Positions

We assume that you already have the approval group selected and the module open.


  1. See the current approval list


2. We must exclude the original approver from receiving any further orders.

-Select the approver, then click above and set the amount to out of scope. Click Save to finalise the changes.

(Out of scope will be $99,999,999)




3. Re order the approval positions of the remaining approvers.

-Select the approver that needs to be moved to a different position in the approval group.





-Now with the approvers details open, change the approval sequence and signatory position to the required and click save.





4. The final approval group should be look similar to the example shown













Finally use the following article to move orders to the correct current approver when approvers have been replaced.



Approvals - Moving Records between Previous and Next Approver

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