Additional Approval Options

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Additional Approval Options

Background: The previous article Approval Group Setup explains how approval chains can be setup to streamline the approval process. This articles elaborates further with additional features such as amounts relating to each approver, sequences and signature positions.

Context: When adding Users to an Approval Group, once they’ve been put into the group, you can click on their name, and there will be additional options available, as per the table below.




Approval Name: click the arrow, and from the dropdown list, select the name of the Approver

Approval Limits:

ALL: approves all purchase orders

ABOVE: enter in the amount approved from

BETWEEN: enter in the from and to amounts


Sequence: this key feature ensures there are no duplicates

Change Orders: similar to User setup, however, operates slightly differently for Approvers. These settings apply when a user sends a modified order for approval.

If the order is within the range set here, the approver will be skipped and move on to the next one.

For example, if an order was modified by $100, and the approver is set to a $500 variance, this approver will be skipped as it’s within the tolerance amount.


Tracking Fields – not in use yet


Advanced: can be left blank if not required (default of order number generated at time of full approval will apply)

Generate Order Number: tick if the order number is to be generated at the time of approval

Order amount less than: if ticket to generate the order number, you can apply a dollar amount. For example, if you inserted $1000, all orders less than $1000 would generate the order number at the time of approval

Skip Approver: If this option is ticked, this will skip the approver in the approval chain and records will not go to them for approval.






Skip if PO matches Invoice:

Tick the box if the approver does not want to receive an invoice approval if the PO matches the invoice. If approver is included on the PO approval chain, and they’ve already approved the order, they may not want to receive the invoice approval.

Note: if a user is skipped in the approval chain, their signature will not be printed on the invoice, as they did not perform any approval action.

Skip Approver: If this option is ticked, this will skip the approver in the approval chain and records will not go to them for approval.






Skip Approver: If this option is ticked, this will skip the approver in the approval chain and records will not go to them for approval.





Payslip Approval Position: if the approver should be a signatory on the payslip, please insert the position

Edit Timecard: if you’d like the approver to have the ability to edit the submitted timecard, tick this on

Display Payslip: if you’d like the approver to have the ability to see the payslip within DPF, tick this on

Skip Approver: If this option is ticked, this will skip the approver in the approval chain and records will not go to them for approval.




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