PO Search

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PO Search

You can search for PO's under the appropriate section or you can use the Search Tool to browse all sections.

PO Search by Section

  1. From the main navigation drop-down menu click on the category that you would like to search, Draft, Pending, Rejected, Approved.

  2. Click on any of the column headings and the list will sort in descending alphabetical or numerical order.

  3. Use the Next and Prev buttons to toggle through the list.  You can change the Display field at any time to modify the amount of PO's displayed on each page.

  4. Tick any order and the details of that order will appear under the PO Details section.  Or you can click the View icon under the Attachments section to view the PO in PDF format.

PO Search Tool

The Search page allows a user to search through all PO's in the system to find Suppliers that can provide a certain product.  For example, entering in Gaffer will bring back all suppliers that supply gaffer tape.

  1. From the main navigation drop-down menu click on Search.

  2. The Search page will appear, enter you search terms in the Search field.

  3. Clicking the Advanced button allows a user to limit the search to different fields.

  4. Once all your search criteria is entered click the Search button.  The results will appear below your search criteria.

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