Approved Orders

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Approved Orders

Once an order is fully approved, it will be sent to the Approved Orders page. A copy of the PO will be emailed to the operator who raised it and the supplier if the Email Checkbox was ticked.  The Accounts Department can also designate additional emails to have the approved order sent to in their EzyPO settings.


Modify - The Modify button will allow you to modify an approved PO. Note that if the amount of the PO is changed beyond a certain amount set by the EzyPO administrator, it will return to the Draft Orders page.  A notification will appear if this will happen. The original PO will remain on the Approved Orders page until the modified PO is fully approved. Once this happens, the PO will be adjusted and labelled as modified.  A reference will be added to the original PO for the supplier to use.


Copy This button copies the approved PO to the Draft Orders page. This copy will not overwrite the original PO once fully approved and instead will be a separate PO. This is most commonly used for repetitive item orders. The Excel PO Template can also be used when creating repeating orders.



Fill - The Fill button will tick all orders between two preselected PO's by PO#. For example: if PO# 9003 and PO# 9015 are selected, all PO#'s between those numbers will be selected.


Export - The Export button creates an XML file listing the select PO's. This XML file may be used with other accounting software.


Excel - This button exports the selected PO's to Excel as a list.  Depending on the users browser settings, Excel will automatically open up with the spreadsheet EzyPO created, or the following window will appear where the file can be saved or opened.

Notice that the spreadsheet created has 2 tabs with information on it as shown below.


Reports - Generates Input control and Distribution reports from all approved orders ticked.


  • Reports Type - Choose either PDF or Preview. Preview report will be generated in HTML format. Note that not all formatting features are compatible with the HTML format and may be missing.

  • Report - Input Control report lists PO's in the order in which they were typed with just pertinent information. Distribution report lists only the PO details in Chart order with subtotals for each different chart of account code. It is recommended to run this report when checking these codes for job costing and budgeting reasons

  • Currency - Restricts the report to only include PO's in the selected currency. Selecting A will include all currencies.

  • Currency Conversion - Converts the PO's from other currencies to the selected currency.

  • Exchange Rate - PO's will be converted based on the Budgeted rate or current rate set by the EzyPO administrator.

  • Report Layout - Select the report format from the drop list. Custom reports can be created and added to this list. Consult with your Administrator.

  • Display Report Image - This shows a sketch of what the report will look like.



PO Log - The PO Log tracks changes made to a PO. For example, if an approved order is modified, the original order can be viewed here along with any changes that were made. If the Eclipse Accounting software is also being used, any invoices paid against the PO will also be visible.


Display Increase or decrease this amount to see more or less orders



Show All - This Show All checkbox will reveal all other approved PO's in the users Link Group.


Approved Orders Details


The Approved PO's Details page displays every PO detail lines for the user in a single list. The PO Details Type drop list can filter the detail lines by Inventory, Rental/Hire, Rental Car, Distribution or All. To search the detail lines, select the Header to search by and enter in the value in the Search bar that appears.

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