Draft a PO in Excel / Import a PO

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Draft a PO in Excel / Import a PO

EzyPO also supplies a Purchase Order Template in Excel so you can create PO's offline and copy and paste them into the system when you get online.

Download the template here:


  1. Download the Purchase Order V4 Template, found above.

  2. Fill in the PO form. The Vendor must exist before you can paste the PO form into EzyPO. See Suppliers for instructions on creating a new supplier.

    • When you Paste in an Excel PO template it will match the supplier on the Supplier Code first, then ABN, then Supplier Name.

    • Select your Currency from the drop-down list. 

    • Then enter in the Amounts including Tax in column O. The tax flag will automatically populate.

    • If there is no tax on the amount, delete the Tax amount in column P. The tax flag will automatically update to a non-tax code.

  3. In Excel toolbar select Edit Select All and then press CTRL + C on your keyboard to select and copy the entire worksheet.

  4. Login to EzyPO, from the drop-down menu select Draft Orders.

  5. In the notepad section at the bottom of the page where it says "Paste Excel Sheet Hereright-click in the space and select paste. Press tab on your keyboard. You will then get a message that the data has been pasted and you will see the order listed.



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