Cancel a PO

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Cancel a PO

Cancelling a Pending PO

To cancel a PO currently pending approval:  If the PO has already been assigned a PO number it is best to get the current approver to reject the order.  That way the details of the order and why it was cancelled will remain documented.  


If you would like to cancel a pending PO that has not been assigned a PO number you can follow the instructions below: 


1. From the Navigation bar, click on Pending Orders

2. Locate the order you would like to cancel, then click the Move icon


3. The order will then be moved to your Draft Orders section. From there you can Tick the order and click the Delete button.

Cancelling an Approved PO

To cancel a PO already fully approved, please follow the instructions below:

1. From the Navigation bar, click on Approved Orders

2. Locate the order you would like to cancel, then click the Modify icon

3. The PO window will appear, click on the Purchase Order Details section, then zero all the transaction amounts, making the PO Amount 0.00.  Then click the Save button.  The order will be below the modify range, so it will automatically be approved

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