Drafting a PO (DPF)

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Drafting a PO (DPF)



1. From the Navigation Bar select Orders.

2. Select the +New button.


3. The New Draft PO Preview will appear. Select Edit, a new window will appear. 


4. The Currency will be set to the default. The currency of the PO can be selected from the Currency drop-list. If a required currency is missing, contact your Accounting Department so it can be setup. 

  • In the Supplier field, enter in the first few letters of the supplier’s name. Click on the vendor. If the vendor choice does not exist, then it must be entered, see Adding a new Supplier.

  • The date is also set to default and cannot be changed.


5. Fill in the Import Quote and Delivery Instructions/ Special Conditions if applicable. 

6. Scroll down to the Order Details.

7. Fill in the Order Description.

8. You can fill in a transaction manually by filling in the details on each transaction line or use the Pencil  icon to bring up the assistance tools. When filling in a transaction manually enter in the Description, Chart Code, Insurance, Free Field, Tax, Set, QAPE and Amount (excluding GST). You can type in a few letters of the chart code to find the correct code. To add further transaction lines, select the Plus +  icon.


9. When entering a transaction with assistance use the Pencil  icon. Click the pencil a new pop window will appear. Click on the Chart Code and use the search tool bar to find the correct account code. The Chart Codes can be searched by either name or number. Use the tracking codes field to select the appropriate codes required. Enter in a item description. Select the PO type, Service is the default PO. Refer to advanced PO drafting for Inventory, Rental/ Hire, Car and distribution types. Enter an Internal SKU and the discount if applicable. Enter in the amount (excluding GST). Click the Save  icon once you have finished.


10. Scroll down to select the Approval Group and verify the Total Amount.


11. Add attachments by clicking on the Cloud and select the file destination in the pop-up window. You may also drag and drop attachments to this area. Attachments allows you to add pdf, excel, doc and pictures files. Uploading images of assets is recommended so approvers can see the item referred to in the PO.

PLEASE NOTE: If you want the attachment to be sent to the Supplier, please check the box to indicate that you want the attachment to be sent to them:


12. Once the PO has been completed, scroll back to the top and click on the Save  icon.


13. You will then be directed back to the Purchase Orders screen. To send the PO for approval click on the Send  icon. Your order will be sent for approval to the signature line established by your Accounting Department.


  • Approvers can be notified by email when they have orders ready for their approval. Once the PO has been approved, it will move onto the next approver in the chain until it has been fully approved.

  • Orders are approved sequentially, meaning if you are third in a chain you will not see an order until the second approver has approved (similar to how a paper order would be approved).


  • Purchase order numbers can be automatically generated once the PO has been drafted, after a certain approver has approved or once the order has been fully approved.  Amounts can also be set to restrict when the PO has a number generated. For example, PO's up to 10,000 can be set to generate a number upon being drafted, but PO's over 10,000 must be fully approved beforehand. This can all be setup by the administrator for individual users or groups.

  • Upon an order being fully approved, a PDF copy can be emailed to the supplier and accounts emails automatically. If using our accounting software Eclipse, the cost report will also be updated.

  • Each PO is only visible to the original operator, members of a link group set to view and approvers who have approved or are pending approval. 

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