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Entering in Fringes in the Budget Worksheet

To Calculate Fringes in the budget worksheet: 

1. Add a percentage in the Fringe% column to every labour line. If a line item is a mix of crew that attracts different Fringe % then use a blended rate as an estimate.


2. Once the fringe percentages have been input, the Budget Worksheet will calculate the Fringes based on the Estimated to Complete column.

  • Fringe EstToComp column = Calculation of the Fringes using the Fringe% and the Estimated to Complete. This is automatically done by the system. 

3. To see a sum of your Fringes - dump the entire budget worksheet to Excel

  • Click the 'Select All' button at the bottom of the B.W.S, then right click any of the highlighted transactions and select Excel. 


The following line codes are as follows: Gaffer is 24.57%, Casual grips is 18% and Producer working via a company is 5.45%. The Fringes are calculated as $391, $3600, and $5450.