Approver User Guide

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Approver User Guide

Once the Operator has moved the Timecards into a batch, they will move to:

·         Operator view: the Pending section

·         Approver view: the Approve section


The Approver will receive an email notifying them that timecards are ready for approval.

If they are happy to approve the timecard, they just need to hit reply and send.

If changes need to be made, or the timecard is to be declined, they need to login to DPF.


Once the Approver has logged in and is in the Approve section, can click on individual timesheets to view, and approve.

You can also bulk approve by selecting the check box to select the timecards to be approved.


If changes are required (and you have permission) you can click the Edit button, and make the changes required. Click Save. You can then approve by clicking the approve button.


You can click the DECLINE button to send the timecard back to:

Employee: with notes to fix

Approver: if you know they have change permissions, you may wish to send here

Operator: they have permission to change


RHS Menu: Attachments

Will show the original timecard from FLP; another version if edited; if enabled, will also show the payslip


RHS Menu: Approvals

The top displays the name of the approval group (usually the department name)

List of approvers:

·         Users who previously approved have a tick

·         Highlighted in green for current approver


RHS Menu: Comments

If the timecard is declined the comments will display here.

Users can also add comments by clicking the plus button.



Once the timecard has been approved, it will move to the next approver in the approval chain.

The approver will follow this same process.


Once the approval chain has been completed, the operator receives email to notify them that timecards have been completed.


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