Approval Group Setup - Administrator

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Approval Group Setup - Administrator

IMPORTANT: if you change approval groups while transactions are in progress, it will break the approval chain. The best time to change the approval group is when there are no transactions pending / waiting approval.

If changes are made, and the chain gets broken, please log a ticket with Customer Support, providing the transaction number of the broken transactions so that it can be fixed up.

From the LHS Navigation, click on Setup -> Approval Setup



The list of Approval Groups already set up will appear

Click on the name of the group you wish to change. For example, if we click on the ART group, the Approval Group Setup screen appears.


We can see that this Approval Group has been set up to approve Purchase Orders and Invoices as per the ticks next to those groups.


By clicking the arrow on the left-hand side, you can expand the section to view the approvers for each item type.


To copy approvers from one group to another, expand the group you wish to view and copy. For example, the Purchase Order approval group will be the same as the Timecard approval group.


From the left-hand side, tick the circle next to the Users, then from the right-hand side, click the 3-dot menu and select copy.



Scroll down to the Timecards section and click the arrow to expand. Tick the circle next to Timecards to select the group, then tick the 3-dot menu and select Paste



Once you’ve completed the changes required, on the top right-hand side, click the Save button





From the top menu on the Approval Setup page, on the right-hand side, click on the + icon


On the top left-hand side, enter in the name of the Timecard Approval Group


Scroll down to the Timecards section, click the arrow to expand, click the circle next to the name to select, and then click the + button to add in approvers


From the dropdown arrow, select the person from the list who is to be in the approval group.



IMPORTANT: if you will have multiple people in the approval group, you need to ensure that the Sequence and Signature Position are set up correctly.


In the Advanced section, ensure you fill out the Approval Position, and if they are to have access to Edit Timecards and see the Payslips.


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