Overview Of Timecard Process

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Overview Of Timecard Process

The following article provides a detailed overview of the process of completing a timesheet in Freelance Portal by a staff/crew member, the processes completed in Digital Paper Flow and the final step of submitting to TPH payroll. Knowledge articles are provided below where applicable as reference.


Freelance Portal:

1. Staff / crew will setup their account and create a Company with the details that TPH has given them for the Production.

Setup Company by Fetching your Company ID


2. Staff/crew create their timesheet and submit

Insert TimeCard


3. Once the FP timesheet has been submitted, a copy of the Freelance timesheet is sent to the email address you specified on setup, and it is also imported into DPF.


Digital Paper Flow:

1. On receipt of the first timesheet, mapping and allocation needs to occur. Refer to the Operator user guide

Operator User Guide


Once the timesheet has been mapped and allocated, subsequent submissions will come in as pre-set to those details. The only time you would need to change those defaults would be if they switched departments, and you need to change their approval group. You would do this in Drafts, prior to sending for approval.


2. On confirmation that all details in the timesheet are correct, the Operator will move the timesheets into the payroll batch.

Payroll batches are set up by TPH Payroll. Two batches per week will be setup for the Production. The first being the initial batch and the second subsequent batch. The second subsequent batch is for timesheets that don’t get processed in time for the first payment run.


3. Once the payroll batch is allocated, the timesheets are able to be sent for approval. This step can be completed in bulk or individually.

When the timesheet is sent for approval, a request is sent to TPH Payroll to get the relevant information from the payroll system to return to DPF. This can take a few minutes to complete. On return, the payslip is generated in DPF for viewing (if permission has been granted).


4. The approver(s) will receive an email notifying them of a timesheet to approve.

Approver User Guide

Once the timesheet has made its way through the approval chain, it moves to the Approved section.


TPH Payroll:

Once the timesheets are fully approved the process then moves over to TPH Payroll. The standard process completed by this department is followed.

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