Options For Multiple Companies Setup

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Options For Multiple Companies Setup

Background: The following article explains the Pros and Cons of setting up one or more databases when a production has multiple companies. The assumption here is that the production will be using Eclipse as well as Ezy PO/DPF to complete the processing of transaction.


Context: These types of databases setup relate to a production with multiple companies. This is usually seen where companies are setup in multiple locations/countries and require the processing, reconciling and reporting of the accounts for each location/country.


One Database:

  • If you would like to consolidate the costs for both companies in the one report, you will have to use one database. As you only have one database you'd only require one login for ezypo/dpf.

  • We will need to setup a separate location code for Company 1 and Company 2 chart codes. This would be the location part of the chart sort that makes up the chart of account numbers, where GB.01.000 = Company 1 and GB.02.000 = Company 2. 

  • The location code portion of the chart sort (e.g.the 01 portion of GB.01.000) will also stipulate the company details that are on the PO when it is sent out. If you raise a PO with chart lines containing GB.02.000 then the PO PDF generated by the system will be under Company 2's name.

  • PO numbers will run in consecutive order irrelevant of the location/company selected. So as an example if you draft a Company 1 PO it will be assigned a PO number 001, and if you then draft a Company 2 PO it will be assigned PO number 002. They will both appear in the same list in your database and will only be able to be identified by viewing the PO pdf itself.


Two Databases:

  • Two separate DBs will need to be setup so that all transactions for Company 1 are in the same DB and Company 2 transactions are in a separate DB. Because it is two separate databases you will have two logins to ezypo/dpf.

  • The positive to this will be that all transactions will separated by a separate DB and the PO numbers will not conflict.

  • The negatives are that the reports from each database cannot be consolidated and that there may also be an additional cost for this setup as you will be running two instances of EzyPO/DPF and Eclipse.

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