Budget Upload via Movie Magic (XML)

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Budget Upload via Movie Magic (XML)

These instructions will show you how to transfer budgets into Eclipse using XML files from Movie Magic. The advantage of using XML is you do not have to export the budget to a text file multiple times for each currency used in the budget.



Movie Magic™ XML Export

In Movie Magic open the budget file and choose File → Export → XML Advanced. Save the file to your local drive.



Upload Budget to Eclipse

  1. Open Eclipse and select UtilitiesBudget Upload. Select Hollywood Budgets as the upload type.


  1. Select the XML file you just saved using the lookup button next to Budget Name.



  1. Set your Upload Options to the default settings below unless required.
    - Tick Create Accounts, Clear All Accounts, Exclude Zero Amounts, Update Estimated Final Costs, Update Budget, Update Descriptions.
    - Level of Postable accounts = 5
    - DPF Account Separator = . (default)
    - Other options blank (default)



  1. Split Currencies and Locations option
    Tick Split Currencies and Locations if you want to load the budget against native currencies.




  1. Load 1 Currency at a Time
    If the locations have not been set in the budget and you want to load currencies to specific locations, then you will need to tick Load 1 Currency at a time along with Split Currencies and Locations.



You will then need to set the Currency and Location for each budget Import you do. Once you have done this for each currency/location you can continue on with the setup process.




  1. How to handle duplicate or missing chart codes?

The account codes will either need to be updated in the budget and re-exported or added manually in the Chart of Accounts and Budget Worksheet. You will also need to manually add account codes with no accounts in the Movie Magic budget (such as fringes and Tax Rebates).


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