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Eclipse - System Defaults
System defaults create consistency for data and selections across the entire production database. If there are multiple users, these defaults will apply across the board. You can fine tune as you go.
Go to Control Table > System Defaults > General TAB
Turn Off Screen Backgrounds - Will disable all screen backgrounds in Eclipse.
Allow Batch Delete - Allows users to delete batches from every module. By default this is turned off.
Flag Dist Changes as Reconciled - By default this is turned off. This will assign the same reconcile number to the original transaction line and the distribution change transaction line. Do not enable if you are using Reconciliations to calculate your VAT - this will break your previous reconciles by removing the original transaction lines from their previously assigned reconcile numbers.
Flag Cancelled Cheques as Reconciled - By default this is turned off. This will assign the same reconcile number to the original transaction lines and reversal transaction lines. Do not enable if you are using Reconciliations to calculate your VAT - this will break your previous reconciles by removing the original transaction lines from their previously assigned reconcile numbers.
Allow all Vendor's to be user all Modules - When ticked, vendors associated with each entry screen will appear in every module (i.e Petty Cash vendor can be used in AP Invoice entry window).
Use CAPITALS for all data entry - Select whether or not to make all descriptions appear in capital or not. This will cause all text to appear in uppercase or not
Use User Sec Level for New Chart and Vendors/Default - This feature will restrict an operators ability to view chart codes and vendors to a specific security level that has been setup. See: User Security Access and Security Levels | Method 1 Using Security Levels (Recommended)
User User Login instead of Sec Level - Alternative method to security, uses user login names to specify access to chart of accounts. See: User Security Access and Security Levels | Method 2 Using Login Names
Default Security Level - The default security level number that is used for all new insertions. The default is 50.
Warn if posting a record/saving older than x days - Throws a message on posting and saving Petty Cash and Invoices at entry, warning you that the dates are older or in the future compared to x days from today’s date. To disable this functionality set this number to 0.
Report Base Currency - Default base currency that will appear in every report screen.
Validate Episode when Posting - Forces the Episode coding on distribution lines to be the same as the Control Account location code used for the entry.
Validate Location when Posting - Forces the Location coding on distribution lines to be the same as the Control Account location code used for the entry.
Lock Period Post to Current Period (All Posting Screens) - Enabled by default. Unlocking will allow you to post into any closed or future period at the time of posting. See: Posting transactions to another period
Posting Date - Customise the posting date field limitation for when a transaction is being posted.
Locked: Locks the Posting Date on the Posting screen to the date of posting (today).
Unlocked: The date can be changed by a user on the Posting screen without any restriction.
Within Period: The date can be changed by the user on the Posting screen, but must be between the ending date of the last closed period and the ending date of the current period.
Reset Locked Posting/Printing - Unlocks any locked posting or printing windows. See:
Go to Control Table > System Defaults > Company Details TAB
This is where the default company details are set. These details are used throughout the system in Eclipse, DPF and EzyPO on Remittances and Purchase Orders.
Name and Address tab = These details will be printed on Purchase Orders and Cheque Remittances.
Contact Details = The email specified here will be printed on Purchase Orders.
Petty Cash
Go to Control Table > System Defaults > Petty Cash TAB
Auto Generate PC Envelope Number - When ticked, Eclipse will automatically create PC envelope numbers for you when you Insert a new PC.
Add PC: in front of Envelope number - Automatically adds PC: in front of envelope number. This option becomes handy as this becomes the invoice number in the General Ledger.
Use PC Dist Date for GL Post - This option only takes effect after posting a petty cash entry. When a petty cash is posted to the General Ledger, the date used on each of the distribution lines use will also be used for the distribution lines in the General Ledger.
By default this option is turned off. The system uses the PC envelope date for all PC distribution lines in this case.
Add PC Distribution Date before Description in GL - This option only takes effect after posting a petty cash entry. When a petty cash is posted to the General Ledger, it will add the date into the start of the description lines for each petty cash distribution line.
For example: A petty cash distribution line with the date 13/12/23 will have the start of its description amended after posting the record, by adding 13 Dec 2023 onto the start of the description.
Disable auto-recalculation of GST/VAT - Disables the system from auto-recalculation of tax when you change distribution lines when entering in PC.
Hide PC Advanced - If you are use to using Amount Acc and Amount Adv, tick this box.
Split Line to Bal GST/VAT - When ticked, this option automatically splits the distribution line. For example, if you put in a petty cash in total of £110 and VAT £5, it will then automatically calculate (based on the tax flag) the total amount of VAT applicable to the original amount. See Paste Split PC form - VAT and Paste Split PC form - GST
PC Paste Loc from User Default - Uses the location specified under Control Table → User Entry Defaults → Petty cash when pasting the Petty Cash templates, instead of the Location of the Control Account set in the excel form.
Debit Cards
Go to Control Table > System Defaults > Debit Cards TAB
Debit Card Provider - For use with debit card providers. See Debit Card Initial Setup (EQUALS/VASCO) and Centtrip Debit Card API Setup and Importing Transactions
Debit Card API Key - For use with CENTRIP debit cards only. See Centtrip Debit Card API Setup and Importing Transactions
Don't move emailed PC to next available batch - By default the system will move an Emailed PC form into the next available batch. This will disable that functionality and when a PC form is emailed it will stay in the same batch.
Entries Per Env - Default is 15. This customises how many lines are exported into a PC envelope excel sheet when using Create PC Form and Email PC Form. Valid values are 5 to 20.
Export Tax Flags - Exports your production’s tax flags to the petty cash forms generated from within Eclipse. See: Customizing Petty Cash Forms with your Tax Flags
Email PC Line Start - Specifies at what Petty Cash line the Excel PC Forms will be generated at from Eclipse. By default this is set as line 5. This is because lines 1-4 are taken up by the Petty Cash Advanced and Accounted Floats, along with space for two tax lines. This value should not be changed unless there are special circumstances.
Email Body - Customise the text in the email body when you email PC Forms from within Eclipse. See: Customise Petty Cash Email Message
Show Advances in Debit Card Rec - This will show the PC Advanced entries in the Posted Items tab of the Debit Card Reconciliation screen. This allows you to reconcile against PC entries that are only card loads and card transfers.
General Ledger
Go to Control Table > System Defaults > General Ledger TAB
Update Cost Report with PO Batch – When unticked, locks off new PO totals from EzyPO and PO Entry Batches, even if data entry continues thus not affecting PO amounts in cost report.
Update Cost Report with PO changes - When unticked, locks off new PO changes from editing lines in the PO Maintenance or zeroing POs, even if data entry continues thus not affecting PO amounts in cost report.
Update Cost Report AP/PO Interface – When unticked, locks off new changes when you attach POs to invoices totals, even if data entry continues thus not affecting PO amounts in cost report.
Update Cost Report PO Totals – Refreshes cost report with PO totals.
See Stop PO's From Updating Your Cost Report and Update PO's In Cost Report for how the above four options work.Show Cost Report Underage as (XXX) - Shows negative figures in Brackets. Variance column will display a positive number when the EFC is greater than the Budget amount when this option is ticked.
See Show Cost Report as Underage
GL Reconcile must = 0 - Enabled by default. This forces the reconcile function to always be required to sum to zero. Do not turn off unless advised to.
Lock Budget Column - Blocks editing the budget field in the Budget Worksheet. Great for when the budget is locked.
Allow Period Range on Fin Report - Allows you to run a Financial Report over a range of periods, instead of just an individual period. See: Running Period Range Reports
Use Period Close Date - By default reports will print the closing date of the Period. Turning this off will allow you to enter in a custom date. See:
Hide YTD Option - By default this option is ticked. Unticking this checkbox enables the Year to Date reporting option in Period Close. See this guide here for further information:
Purchase Orders
Go to Control Table > System Defaults > Purchase Orders TAB
Pad PO with Zero's - Default is 6. Enter the number of digits for your purchase order (i.e 000045 would be 6). This option will automatically add zeros in front of any number less than the amount of digits nominated. E.g. Setting this field to 5 will mean PO 45 will show as 00045).
Unlock PO Number - When ticked, the value of the PO number will unlock allowing you to change it at any time. You will lose your PO history if you change the PO number in PO maintenance.
Zero One PO at a Time - Only allows you to zero one PO at a time in PO maintenance. Enabled by default.
Auto-number POs - Automatically increments the PO number sequence.
Accounts Payable
Go to Control Table > System Defaults > Accounts Payable TAB
Basic Defaults
Must Enter Invoice Number - Forces users to enter in an invoice number at Invoice Entry.
Must enter Invoice Description - Forces users to enter in an invoice description at Invoice Entry.
Warn if Blank Address - Warns the user at Vendor selection and when saving an Invoice if the vendor address is blank.
Each Dist Line must have a PO - Forces every line in an Invoice Entry to have a PO number assigned.
Check Aust Bank Details - Adds checks to bank details when creating or edit a vendor to ensure it meets standard Australian formats.
This will force the BSB entered to be 6 numbers.
The system will warn the user the Account Number needs to be between 6-9 numbers.
Any symbols or alphabetical characters will be removed.
Mask ABN/TIN/SSN - Masks the Vendor’s Tax ID/ABN field with multiple asterisks. The Vendor Master Maintenance screen and all exported Reports will have their TaxID/ABN field masked.
Edit Invoice # in Inv Inquiry - Allows all users to edit the invoice number in the Invoice Inquiry module. This is helpful for correcting typos in Invoice Numbers after posting.
AP Paste Loc from User Default - Uses the location specified under Control Table → User Entry Defaults → Accounts Payable when pasting the Invoice Cheque request templates, instead of the Location of the Control Account set in the excel form.
Reinstate Order when invoice deleted - When an Invoice is deleted, you can choose how Eclipse will reinstate the purchase order. See: There are three options that will take effect for all users:
Fix = Fix and reinstate the PO automatically when an invoice is deleted.
Ask user = Prompt user if they want to reinstate the PO when an invoice is deleted.
Don’t Fix = Don’t reinstate the PO when an invoice is deleted.
Allow Post AP PC Dist Lines to Bank - By default, eclipse will prevent you from posting your petty cash and invoice distribution lines directly to your bank account as these lines do not show up on the bank reconciliation. If you wish to allow this, then tick this checkbox.
New Vendor Defaults - When inserting a new vendor the below defaults are used.
Don’t Warn if No Tax ID/ABN - Will not warn the user if no tax ID/ABN is set when they save the vendor. Turn off to warn the user.
1099 Vendor (US) - Will automatically set the vendor as a 1099 US vendor.
Don’t Warn if 1099 Vendor - Will turn off the warning that you have set a 1099 US vendor.
Vendor Tax Type - Will automatically set the vendor with the tax flag selected.
Advanced Defaults - Only edit these if you know what you are doing or have been directed to do so.
Auto Lock Vendor - Lock vendors from being edited by users. Paste ins and edits will not be accepted until the vendor has been unlocked. See:
Auto Lock Vendor Bank - Log changes to your vendor bank account details. Changes will be emailed to your admin email. See:
Production Company Specific Defaults
EP Invoice Format - Change the import format number for EP Payroll Invoices. The Default is 01.
Corp All Vendor Approval - Ensure it is turned off. Only used for specific productions
Forces all vendors to be approved before they can be used in Eclipse and Ezypo.
When an Eclipse Operator creates a vendor it sends out an email to the Admin to approve the vendor. The vendor is marked as inactive and cannot be used until they are approved.
The Eclipse Supervisor then needs to login to Eclipse, locate the vendor in VMM, then select