2022 - Digital Paper Flow Updates

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2022 - Digital Paper Flow Updates

Version 2.1.000 - 21 December 2022


TPHP-545 User Setup - Lock the user login and approval group names from being edited after creation

TPHP-1454 User Setup - Added Suppliers bank details access

TPHP-1262 User Setup - Fixed duplication of Basic/Advanced list options

TPHP-815 User Setup - Default Eclipse username to the ezypo username automatically

TPHP-1454 Fixed inserting Duplication of Supplier Contact

TPHP-1472 Fixed Comments duplicating over multiple records

TPHP-1500 Fixed Password Reset

TPHP-1515 Fix Supplier Email Required System Default allowing users to insert new Suppliers without an email

TPHP-1426 Fixed ADMIN Approval Previous / Next functionality setting incorrect approvers and not saving comments to the record



TPHP-1522 Cannot approve POs - throws transaction not found error

TPHP-1443 8 digit PO Numbers saved as ###### instead of the full number



TPHP-1527 Can't add attachments when creating a new Invoice

TPHP-1324 Import PO button in New Invoice Entry pulling in incorrect data

TPHP-1466 When creating and saving a New Invoice - The selected approval group does not save



TPHP-1369 Hold button in the Approve section of Expenses does not refresh the list or tallies

TPHP-1387 Fixed issues with the expense report not generating



TPHP-1407 DPF Timecards - Fixed issues with breaks being incorrectly displayed

TPHP-1518 / TPHP-1505 DPF Timecards - Fixed an issue where only one timecard can be approved at a time

TPHP-1430 DPF Timecards - Some records marked as team records incorrectly

TPHP-1438 DPF Timecards - Fixed some Excel export issues.

TPHP-1211 DPF Timecards - Implemented Selecting Multiple PDF records download

TPHP-1444 DPF Payslips - naming convention changes

TPHP-1477 APPROVE and HOLD sections missing for ADMIN accounts

TPHP-1499 Timecard Page loading not enabled when turned on in System Defaults

Version 2.0.143 - 18 October 2022


TPHP-386 Add Email Buyer Button to Comments popup

TPHP-590 Declined Invoices/Expenses/POs/Documents/Timesheets state user is current approver in sidebar

TPHP-921 Fixed creating an approval group with symbols throwing an error

TPHP-188 Approval Groups - Automatically Increment Approver Sequence and Sig Position

TPHP-951 Fixed Users created in DPF not being capitalised, resulting in unable to edit the user in EzyPO

TPHP-958 Fixed not being able to create a blank tracking flag

TPHP-1043 Fixed Approval Groups created in DPF not appearing in EzyPO

TPHP-1053 Fixed DPF Admin access not applying at the production level

TPHP-1059 Fixed Emails accounts with Apostrophes are not being sent and bouncing

TPHP-1320 Fixed Approve and Hold sections missing for ADMIN accounts

TPHP-1048 Fixed Comments/Declined Comments text fields only saving a small amount of characters

TPHP-1240 Fixed Mobile Numbers displaying incorrectly in User Setup

TPHP-1268 Fixed a massive slowdown in retrieving the supplier list

TPHP-1192 Updating approval groups will now replace approvers of the same sequence



TPHP-898 Fixed Create Supplier autocomplete dropdown overwriting the blank *No Supplier Selected* record in the PO Edit Form

TPHP-902 Fixed Modify PO button working on orders you did not raise

TPHP-805 View all Orders / View Linked Orders Functionality added to User Setup

TPHP-953 Fixed GetSupplierApprovalGroups being called when loading into the Orders Module

TPHP-1056 Fixed the PO Declined Email sent to the drafter displaying as broken HTML

TPHP-1138 Fixed PO Subtotals / GST Sub total calculations rounding incorrectly

TPHP-1079 Fixed Orders not using the default chart sort/code for Approval Groups

TPHP-1170 Fixed Inactive vendors still showing in Supplier lists

TPHP-1148 Fixed Block vendor option still allowing you to edit Suppliers

TPHP-1272 Fixed PO Image Preview listing Department twice

TPHP-1190 Move button on Orders can now be used by ADMINs to move POs back to user’s drafts

TPHP-1263 Fixed the supplier being wiped when changing an approval group

TPHP-1306 Fixed Page Loading in the Orders Module is not loading all records



TPHP-446 PO Lines Export\Import

TPHP-778 Approver account cannot update Invoice Lines

TPHP-944 Fixed issue which prevented Invoice Input Control Reports from being created

TPHP-1352 Fixed the PO Match stamp duplicating the signature stamp on each approval

TPHP-1280 Fixed user comments duplicating across multiple invoices



TPHP-1036 Fixed Petty Cash Expense Chart of Account codes intermittently wiping when being sent for Approval

TPHP-1049 Fixed Expense Line Descriptions with / and \ and ; symbols being removed on sending Expense for approval

TPHP-1177 Fixed file too small to shrink error message when uploading an attachment in Expenses Module

TPHP-1182 DPF - Expense Reports not being included in the PDF Preview List sent back by the API

TPHP-1111 Fixed all issues with an Approver Editing Expenses and not saving any changes they made



TPHP-903 Page Load Timesheets

TPHP-582 Timecard Reject

TPHP-486 Edit and Decline Timecards button fixed

TPHP-591 Renamed Timecard Attachments

TPHP-794 User Setup Setting added to lock edit times

TPHP-924 Fixed Timecards comments not loading

TPHP-939 Fixed Signatures on timecards not being put into the correct position

TPHP-940 Fixed last approver showing as current approver

TPHP-943 Fixed Timecard Batch Description missing from approved timecards

TPHP-950 Fixed Timecards created in DPF skipping generating a new timecard on approval

TPHP-1018 Fixed Timecard Accounts User not working in User Setup

TPHP-1143 Fixed sending Timecards for approval without payroll batch

TPHP-1212 Fixed searching in the Timecards module

TPHP-1261 Fixed Excel Timecard export missing the Total Meal Break column

TPHP-1303 Fixed Timecards not saving meal breaks

TPHP-1379 Fixed editing timecards not saving meal breaks

TPHP-1388 Assign Timecard to employee not working via Other details popup


Version 2.0.099 - 05 September 2022


  • Fixed the System Default PDF Shrinking option not saving when enabled or disabled.

  • Fixed an issue where attachments were unlinked from the DPF Transaction and were not loading for the user. This mostly occurred with TPH Invoices.

  • Fixed the default tax code when creating a Supplier not being pulled from the production’s system defaults.

  • Fixed user signatures not generating correctly when updating or creating a user.

  • Fixed the date and username not displaying correctly under Transactions History in the DPF Dashboard.

  • Fixed an issue with slowdowns in all modules when retrieving the list of Suppliers.

  • If attachments are greater than 2MB in size then they will not auto-load in the attachments preview window. Instead a blank PDF will load notifying the user to use the right hand attachments sidebar to view the attachment.


  • Fix for 3 Day Week and 5 Day Week calculations displaying incorrectly in Eclipse.

  • Fixed the XML Export so it no longer hits a character limit and will export all lines.


  • Fix for 3 Day Week and 5 Day Week calculations displaying incorrectly in Eclipse.

  • The supplier name has been added to email approval subject line.


  • Admin accounts can now send timecards for approval if the option is enabled under the System Defaults.

Version 2.0.078 - 26 August 2022


  • Fixed lowercase Chart Sort and Chart Codes appearing in all modules.

  • The Chart Code autocomplete list and lookup list will now be sorted by prod number.

  • Added a System Default setting to switch off PDF shrinking.

  • Fixed user signatures not automatically generating when creating a user.


  • The PMI Export will now sort on PO Number.

  • Fix for PO Lines having a different Chart Sort currency that did not match the currency of the Order.


  • The regenerate signature option can now regenerate the signature on multiple documents at the same time. Simply use the checkboxes to select multiple transactions.

  • Fix for missing Invoice Tax amounts in the Invoice list.

  • Fix for Invoice Tax amounts not resetting between transactions.

  • Added file size limit to Invoice previews to 2 MB.



  • Fixed an issue where the Current Approver could sometimes not approve an Expense.

  • Fixed duplicated approval notification emails being sent to users when first sending an Expense for approval.

  • Fixed an issue with flags missing when updating expense lines.

Version 2.0.067 - 22 July 2022


  • Added Accounts email fields.

  • Fixed Departments/Link Groups field.


  • Fixed the Invoice PO Match skipping an Approver incorrectly when the Invoice did not match the PO.


  • Fixed Team orders not displaying.


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