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Budget Upload via Movie Magic (Tab Delimited)
These instructions will show you how to transfer budgets into Eclipse. This can be a complex process if you have multiple locations and currencies. If you find it too daunting, you can always send the file to and TPH will be happy to do the upload for you after we send you a short questionnaire.
You will need to complete all steps below for each separate currency used.
1. Open the Movie Magic™ budget file. You will need to upload each currency used separately into Eclipse. To do so in Movie Magic™ select Setup > Currencies.
2. Set the rate of the first currency you will be uploading to 1, and all the other currencies to 0.
3. Select File > Export Tab Delimited. This will create a text copy of the budget with the currency you set to 1 in the previous step. When prompted find and select the location to which you would like to save the text file on your computer.
4. Find and open the text file you just saved in a text editor and set the chart of account codes.
*Make sure the account code structure in your text file matches the Prod, Detl, Set format for Eclipse.
Maximum 4 characters for Prod and Detl, and Maximum 3 characters for Set.
*Use blank spaces to fill in any missing characters that do not reach the maximum characters in Prod, Delt and Set. For detail on the Eclipse account code structure see here: Chart of Account Structure
*Remove any dashes in the account code format and replace them with spaces or remove them entirely with Find and Replace in your text editor.
To remove dashes: Add a dash - in Find field and add an (empty space) or (blank/nothing) in Replace field (depending if you want to remove the dash entirely or replace it with a space) and then click Replace All.
TextEdit on MAC
*Note: You can skip the three steps above by using the Account Mask Field when uploading your budget: Movie Magic Budget Account Mask Field
You will want to keep the number of characters in the PROD and DETL fields consistent with the rest of the chart of accounts for the whole budget. Your budget should not have a mix of 2-digit and 3-digit PROD codes or chart separators in various places. Your budget must be consistent.
For example:
If you are using 3-digits for the PROD code for your budget (eg. 500). Then your entire budget should consistently be 3-digits for the PROD code for every budget line.
You may find that some budgets use a mix of digits, eg. 3-digits and 2-digits for some other accounts (eg. 50).
You will need to add a 0 to the start of the account in the tab file (eg. 050) to bring it up to 3-digits, otherwise they will mix due to Eclipse sorting alphanumerically when using the PROD code (ie. 50 and 500 would appear next to each other, but 050 and 500 will sort correctly).
Ensure that the balance sheet account do not mix with the cost accounts you are uploading.
Upload Budget to Eclipse
5. Open Eclipse and select Utilities > Budget Upload.
6. Select the text file you just saved using the lookup button next to Budget Name.
7. Set the correct Currency, Location and Episode for the budget.
The default is GB.01.00 or AU.01.000
Reminder MMB7, if your budget uses multiple currencies, locations and/or episode codes, you will need to upload a separate file for each.
8. Set your Upload Options. The following criteria is recommended with Postable Accounts set to level 5.
9. Click the Import button. A pop-up will appear for each duplicate entry that is found. Make sure to fix these in the upload text file and then begin the upload process again. You must close the upload window before re-uploading otherwise the accounts that were successful will still appear on the Import Budget tab.
10. Once you have received the pop-up that the upload has been successful, select the Imported Budget tab to see the accounts as they will appear in Eclipse. Go over it and make sure the codes and budget figures are correct. Please note MMB export files do not export Fringes or Tax credits in the same format as the other data and cannot be imported.
Then tick the Select All checkbox and click Upload to Eclipse.
If using MMB please manually add in the fringes and tax credits to the Budget Worksheet to balance back to your budget.
If you are using multiple currencies the easiest way to balance your budget is by running a consolidated cost report. Please note the budget worksheet shows everything in native currency so the total at the bottom will not match you budget - you need to run a consolidated cost report in base currency.
11. The budget is now uploaded and your Chart of Accounts and Budget Worksheet windows will be populated with the data you uploaded.
Reminder: MMB7 You will need to complete all steps above for each separate currency used.
12. Once you have completed uploading all the currencies you will want to follow this guide: Clear Period Variances
If you are overwriting an existing budget, you may want to clear the Budget and EFC amounts for the accounts in the Budget Worksheet beforehand so that it doesn’t cause any variances when you upload.
When it is time to run financial reports, you should setup a sequence range to group your costings. See here: Setting up Financial Report Sequence Ranges (ATL, BTL, etc)