Export CTD from Eclipse to Hollywood Budgets

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Export CTD from Eclipse to Hollywood Budgets

You can export the CTD from Eclipse into Hollywood Budgets by first exporting an excel file from Eclipse, and then importing these values into Hollywood Budgets.


  1. Navigate to the General Ledger → Financial Reports screen and tick HB CTD then press OK.


  2. An excel file will be generated in the format below.


  3. Import this file into Hollywood Budgets to populate your budget.

Select the CTD tab in Hollywood Budgets




Choose the import Button to open the import screen.

Enter optional Category like CTD Import

If you use a numeric chart of accounts you may need to add a _ or x as the prefix

It’s a good idea to Zero the list before importing in case you are not using all of the same chart codes as previous.

Select the CTD file to import.

Click OK.




Once imported you can add your CTD just like a global anywhere in your budget. If you have already added them they will be magically updated!

Use the Total and Usage columns to see if you have used them all or maybe you accidently used one twice?








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