Creating a New Vendor

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Creating a New Vendor

No time for reading?  Watch the video on how to create new vendors in Eclipse:

1. In the main menu bar select Accounts Payable > Vendor Master Maintenance. The Vendor Master Maintenance window will appear listing all of your current vendors.


2. Click the Insert button to add a new vendor. The Vendor Details window will pop-up. There are five tabs associated with the creation of Vendors. The opening General tab is mandatory, whereas the other tabs are optional.

3. Complete all the details in the Vendor Details window using the section descriptions below.

General tab

  • Vendor Code – Enter the first four letters on the vendor's name followed by 01. Example: The Living Props would be LIVI01. If you had another vendor with the same first four letters you would give it the ending number of 02, and so on for each new similar vendor name.

  • Currency - Select currency vendor is to paid in (Eclipse will notify you if you try to pay the vendor in a different currency)

  • Vendor Type – Select if the vendor is a Accounts Payable, Petty Cash or Accounts Receivable Vendor. If a vendor has more than one type of these accounts, a separate vendor code must be set-up for each account.

  • Coy Name/ Last Name - Name of Vendor being added or first name of an individual (non-limited company)

  • First Name – First name if paying an individual versus a company.

  • Sec Level – Provides access to Eclipse users based off of their security settings. See Adding

    a New User

  • Active Vendor - Untick this box if you want to disable vendor use in modules. The vendor will not be displayed on pop-up lists but will still remain in Vendor Master Maintenance.

  • Cheque Name – Name to printed on remittance, usually same as Coy Name/ Last Name, First Name.

  • Postal Address / Company Address – If the company and postal address are the same, itis best to fill in the Company Address tab and then click the Copy Address button (it will copy the postal address into the Company Address details tab.
    If the vendor was imported via EzyPO vendor entry, the vendor address will appear in the Postal Address tab. Eclipse uses the Postal Address tab, this is designed on purpose so that the company address is double-checked by the accounts department before the first invoice is paid. You can copy the Company Address to the Postal Address tab by clicking the copy address button in the Company Address tab.

  • Copy Vendor - Click this button to copy vendor name and details, used for vendor duplications with import/export function. You will be prompted for a unique vendor code, simply add a '1' to the end.


Defaults Tab → Tax Details Tab

  • Tax Code - Select tax according to whether you will be accruing tax for a particular vendor. See Indirect Tax Codes.

  • Tax ID/ ABN - Enter Tax ID number as this will ensure that you are following the correct tax reporting procedures. This is essential for Accounts Payable vendors. Once you have entered the Tax ID/ABN, click on the ellipsis button next to it to check whether the TaxID/ABN is valid or not.



  • Don’t Warn if No Tax ID/ABN - Disable to throw a warning of there is no TaxID/ABN entered for a vendor.

  • 1099 Vendor (US) - Used in How to run Section 16/1099 Reports.

  • 1099 Vendor Warning - Throws a warning when a vendor is set as a 1099 Vendor.

  • W 9 Expiry Date - For US vendors only.

  • Work State 1-3 - For US vendors only.

  • Exclude from Bridger - Excludes vendor from bridger export: Vendor Bridger Import/Export.


Defaults Tab → General Details Tab




Bank Details Tab 


If you are doing Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT) through your bank for the new vendor, then enter their bank details in this section.


Distribution Tab (Optional)


If you have a standard distribution that you would like to use for all transactions for this vendor, you can set up the template in this window. For example, a Petty Cash Vendor who receives weekly per diem distributions.

Contact Details 


Remittance Emails - The remittance email address for invoices should be entered in the field highlighted in yellow. If there are multiple remittance email addresses, please separate the emails by a semi- colon ( ; )


Supplier Contact Details - The supplier contacts and email addresses for POs should be entered in the field highlighted in orange.

Once the supplier details are entered here, in DPF a copy of the approved PO will be sent to the supplier. In EzyPO whether an approved PO is sent will need to be specified.

All of the supplier details entered here will appear in both EzyPO and DPF for the supplier’s contact details.


Vendor Warnings (Optional)

  • AP Warning - Throws a desired warning message when doing an Invoice Entry.

  • PO Warning - Throws a desired warning message when doing a PO Entry.

  • Exclude Vendor from Ezypo/DPF - Stops EzyPO/DPF from displaying the vendor to users.

  • Exclude Vendor from no PO Warning - Stops any warning message if no PO for the vendor.

  • External Vendor ID - Optional reference field.

  • Timestamp, User Created, User Modified - Fields that record the last user to create or modify the vendor details.


FBT (Optional)


Enter any Vehicle Fringe Benefits Tax details if required for Rego, Vehicle, Business Percent, Driver and Employee Code.

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