Advanced PO Drafting

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Advanced PO Drafting

EzyPO also gives you the ability to add more complex descriptions by pressing on the xDtl button. When clicked, the PO Extra window will appear. Select the type of line from the Type drop list. There are 5 presets.


  • Description - Description of the item purchased

  • Amount - Amount of the item.  All amounts should be pre-tax.

  • Eps Split - Click if you want the expense split over multiple Episode Cost codes


The purpose of the inventory is to automatically calculate the amount. It makes it clear and concise when paying invoices and if you pay invoices through Eclipse the inventories will be reduced on the order showing balances payable on future invoices. This assists in tracking down any discrepancies between orders and invoices.

  • Units - Number of units purchased

  • Rate -  Rate per unit

  • Description - Description of the Inventory item/s

  • Amount - This is automatically calculated using the Rate and Units. It will recalculate when either field changes.  All amounts should be pre-tax.

  • Eps Split - Click if you want the expense split over multiple Episode Cost codes

Rental/ Hire

The Rental/Hire type is recommended for booking accommodations or renting equipment. it will automatically calculate the amount based on the dates, times and rates of the hire. You will also be notified a week in advance of the expiration date giving you the option to extend the order.

  • From Date - Enter the start date. Use the calendar lookup button for quick selection

  • Start Time - Leave blank for accommodation orders. On other rentals, adding a time will allow EzyPO to calculate the last day as a day used.

  • To Date - Enter the return/checkout date. Use the calendar lookup button for quick selection.

  • End Time - Enter the time of day that the hire needs to be returned by, if applicable

  • Rate -  This is the amount that will be calculated "per" your selection below.

  • Per - This is used in conjunction with the rate, dates and times to calculate the amount. Options available are Day, Week, 3 Day Week, 5 Day Week, Month and Year.

  • Description - provide a detailed description so approvers and suppliers know what the order is for.

  • Amount - This is calculated automatically based on the dates, times, rate and per. If you change the amount it will recalculate the rate.

  • Eps Split - Click if you want the expense split over multiple Episode Cost codes.


With the introduction of fringe benefits, tracking a fleet of cars can quickly become a very complex and time consuming task. By adding additional information at the purchase order stage this task can become a lot easier. By using the car hire section, you will be notified via email when the hire is about to expire.

  • From Date - Enter the start date. Use the calendar lookup button for quick selection.

  • Start Time - Adding a time will allow EzyPO to calculate the last day as a day used if the end time is greater than the start time. 

  • To Date - Enter the end date. This would be the date of return. Use the calendar lookup button for quick selection.

  • End Time - Adding an end time will allow EzyPO to calculate the last day as a day used if the end time is greater than the start time.

  • Rate -  This is the amount that will be calculated "per" your selection below.

  • Per - This is used in conjunction with the rate, dates and times to calculate the amount. Options available are Day, Week, 3 Day Week, 5 Day Week, Month and Year.

  • Driver - Enter the drivers name.

  • Emp Code - Enter the employee payroll code. This can be used to link the data to the employee payroll records for any fringe benefit reporting.

  • RA Number - This is a unique booking number from the supplier which does not change over the life of the order even if cars are returned for servicing etc.

  • Rego - Registration number of vehicle

  • Vehicle - The vehicle's make, model and year.

  • Start Odometer - The starting odometer reading.

  • End Odometer - This would normally be left blank unless filled in at the end as a change order

  • Hire State - Enter the state in which the vehicle was hired. This will allow vehicle benefits to be tracked per state and added to payroll tax calculations

  • Description - provide a detailed description so approvers and suppliers know what the order is for.

  • Amount - This is calculated automatically based on the dates, times, rate and per. If you change the amount it will recalculate the rate.  All amounts should be pre-tax

  • Eps Split - Click if you want the expense split over multiple Episode Cost codes.


Used if you want to apply distributions that do not need to be viewed by the supplier.

  • Description - Description of the item purchased

  • Amount - Amount of the item.  All amounts should be pre-tax.

  • Eps Split - Click if you want the expense split over multiple Episode Cost codes

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