Change Order Details Before Approving

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Change Order Details Before Approving

During the approval process you have the opportunity to make changes only to the chart of accounts code, Flags and PO details description.  If there are other details that you would like to amend it is best to reject the order and have the operator who drafted the order, make these changes and resend for approval.  You can make comments to the operator in the Comments field next to the PO prior to rejecting.  There are two ways to make changes to the PO before approving, you can do it in EzyPO or in Excel.

To Make Changes in EzyPO

  1. To change a PO, highlight the PO line by clicking on it.  The PO details will appear at the bottom of the screen.


  2. To make changes to each transaction line, click the Edit button next to the line you want to change.

  3. The Update PO Details screen will pop-up.  Here you can add or change a Chart Code, flagging and/or the PO description.  To change the Chart Code, click the magnifying glass icon and search for the appropriate code.


  4. To Approve the order you can click on the approve  icon, see Approve Orders for more details.  To reject the order, click on the reject icon, see Rejected Orders for more information.  Or Lastly, you can choose to put the order on hold which will move the order to the Hold Orders section, see Hold Orders for more information.

To Make Changes in Excel

To make changes to multiple lines from multiple PO's at once, you can make the changes individually in EzyPO using the steps above, or you can do it in Excel, whichever you prefer.

  1. Tick the orders you want to export and click the Excel button.

  2. In Excel make the changes. Then highlight the line or group of lines you want to copy and paste back into EzyPO copying just the columns from A to K on the rows you want, don't include the header description line.

  3. After copying the data in Excel, right-click in the Paste Pad in EzyPO and choose Paste. Then click tab on your keyboard.  An alert pop-up window will appear notifying you that the data has successfully pasted.

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