Troubleshooting Common Journal Posting Errors

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Troubleshooting Common Journal Posting Errors

The guide below is provided to help Eclipse users identify common issues when posting a journal. The guide is set out to provide an understanding of the error message received when posting and solutions on how to best resolve the problem.


Firstly you can identify the transaction and the specific line by looking at the error returned. For example, the following error shown below states the error is on Transaction 1822 in Line 1.



Non-postable accounts

If you have coded a transaction to a non-postable account, Eclipse will return the journal with an error. This error may look like the following:

Solution: You will need to find the transaction and its line, then change the chart code to an account that is postable.

Inactive Account

If you have posted a transaction to an inactive account, Eclipse will return the journal with an error. This error may look like the following:

Solution: You will need to find the transaction and its line, then change the chart code to an account that is active.

Invalid Chart Code

If you have posted to an invalid chart code, Eclipse will return the journal with an error. This error may look like the following: 

When an invalid code has be input in a journal, Eclipse will identify this journal line as being invalid when it is selected. If you click on any journal line and then use your keyboard and push the arrows either up or down, when you reach the journal line a description listing " Error - Invalid Chart Code" will be displayed in the journal screen.


Solution: You will need to find the transaction and its line, then change the chart code to an account that is valid.

Journal With Missing Tax Entry

If you post a journal with a tax allocation but have not entered an entry for the tax, Eclipse will return the journal with an error. This may look like the following:

Solution: You will need to inspect the journal entries and find the transaction that is missing a tax entry and add it into the journal.


Duplicate Transaction Numbers

See the guide here: Duplicate Transaction already exists in the General Ledger (SPROC Error)

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