Sending out Remittances

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Sending out Remittances

Follow this guide for sending out cheque remittances via email.

Initial Setup

Before you can send out a remittance, you must set your user email address by following either options A or B. We recommend using Option A.


A) Set user email in User Entry Defaults module

This can be done from the Control Table > User Entry Defaults > General tab:

  • Enter your email into the top field called Email Address.

  • You can also add your email to the CC Emails to field and tick the CC SMTP Emails to checkbox to receive a copy of the remittance as well.


B) Set user email in Cheque Posting module

From Accounts Payable > Cheque Posting > Email Options tab:

  • Enter your email into the top field called From Email Address.

  • You can also add your email to the CC Email Address field and tick the CC Emails checkbox to receive a copy of the remittance as well.


Company Remittance Details

Each email remittance will also have the production’s company details on it. To setup these details for each bank account, please follow this guide here: Create Multiple Companies in Eclipse / Assign Company to Email Remittances and Petty Cash Forms


Setting up the Vendor Emails

Each vendor you are sending a remittance to will need a valid email address assigned in Vendor Master Maintenance.

You can check this by editing the vendor in Accounts Payable > Vendor Master Maintenance and checking the Contact Details tab.

The Email Address at the top of this screen in Contact Details will be used for Remittance Emails for the vendor. Please fill this in for each vendor.



Sending out Remittance Emails

Once you have setup your email open Accounts Payable > Cheque Posting and highlight the Cheques to be emailed.

Next, press the Email Remittance button to send them out.

You can also send remittances from Accounts Payable > Cheque History if you have missed emailing them during posting.


Custom Remittance Notes

You can add a custom remittance note for all vendors receiving the remittance emails in the Email Remittance Note field under Accounts Payable → Cheque Posting → Email Options.


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