Cancelling a Presented Cheque

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Cancelling a Presented Cheque

You can tell if a cheque has been presented in the Bank Rec by going into the Accounts Payable → Cheque History module. Look at the Presented and Presented Date column under Cheque History.

If the Pres column is Y or M and there is a Presented Date populated then your cheque has been presented in the bank rec.

You will then have to check if your bank rec has been posted or not which will determine if you can cancel the cheque.


If your Bank Reconciliation has not been posted:

If your Bank Reconciliation has been posted:

  • Unfortunately once a cheque has been presented AND posted in the bank rec - you cannot cancel or reissue it from your end. We also cannot edit this entry on our end, as once it has been presented in the bank rec and posted down it propagates throughout all modules in the system.

  • You will have to post a new invoice to cancel out the cheque then post it via Payment Processing. You will then have to present this cheque in the bank rec to cancel out the original cheque. See Entering / Printing a Negative Cheque