Cheque Posting / Remittances

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Cheque Posting / Remittances

After you have successfully printed your cheques you will need to post them so that Eclipse recognizes them as paid. The accounts payable control account will be debited and the bank account and vendors will be credited. This is also the stage in which you can email remittances to the vendors.

This procedure can be run after multiple cheque prints. If this is not run, cheques printed and manual cheques will appear in reports as 'Unpaid'. For consistency, this process should be run immediately after the cheques were printed.

Once this option is run, cheques will appear as un-presented in your Bank Reconciliation window.

1. In the main menu select Accounts Payable > Cheque Posting.


2. Make sure all cheques printed are accurate and have the right cheque numbers allocated to them.


3. Highlight the cheques you would like to post or tick the Select All checkbox to highlight all cheques. Click the Email Remittance button to email remittances to the individual vendors. An error box will appear for any missing vendor email addresses. You can then go into the Vendors Master Maintenance file, add the email address, select the cheque again and click Email Remittance button. Please see this guide here for setting up email remittances in your database: Sending out Remittances


4. To set the email address in which the email remittance comes from, go to Accounts Payable > Cheque Posting > Email Options tab


5. Click Post and entries will be posted as paid in Cheque History.
Your Cheque Posting Register window should now be clear if you ticked the Select All checkbox.

Resending Email Remittances

If you forgot to email remittances at the time of posting or you need to resend go to  Accounts Payable > Cheque History. Select the records you would like to resend and click the Email Remittances button. You must have the emails under the Vendor's Master Maintenance file or you will get an error message.


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