Duplicate/Copy an Approval Group

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Duplicate/Copy an Approval Group

Use this tool to duplicate an entire approval group (including the approval amounts and advanced settings for each approver) and copy it into a new approval group.

You can choose to copy the approval chains from all modules, or select just a few.






Log in to the Production with your Admin account.


Navigate to Setup → Approval Setup in the navigation menu.

Click the 3 dot menu on the right and select Copy an Approval Group.


  1. Under the Old Approval Group dropdown list, select the approval group you are copying from.

  2. Under the New Approval Group Name enter in the new approval group name for the group that is going to be created.

  3. Select which modules you want to copy the approval chain from. You can select all modules or only a handful.

  4. Then click the Save button.



You will get a green success message and the page will reload with the new approval group displayed in the table.


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