Eclipse Scaling and Graphical Corruption Issues

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Eclipse Scaling and Graphical Corruption Issues

When you launch Go-Global/Appcontroller it’s going to use the DPI Scaling of the Primary Monitor.

If the user has a multi-monitor setup and tries to drag Go-Global / Eclipse to a second monitor and it is set with a different DPI scale it is going to cause graphical corruption in Eclipse (black bars, etc).



1. Set the monitor you want to use Go-Global on as the “Primary Monitor” or “Main Display”

This will force Go-Global to launch on the client’s monitor they want to use Go-Global on and will use the DPI Scaling on that monitor.

To stop a user from dragging it to the second monitor and causing graphical corruption, you can also disable multi-monitor support. This will prevent the user from dragging Go-Global to the other monitor. See 3. Disable Multi-Monitor Support at the bottom of this article.


Windows Instructions:

  1. Right click on your desktop and select Display Settings.

2. Select the monitor you want to make your Primary Display.

3. Scroll down and tick “Make this my Main Display” and then press Apply/OK.


2. Disable DPI Scaling on Eclipse to remove blurriness

  1. Test if turning off client dpi scaling in the GG client has any effect. I've had a few cases where it has made eclipse slow and blurry, or prevents users from moving it to another monitor screen.

  2. Note that this may make Eclipse appear too small to the user, so it may not be a valid fix depending on the user's screen size and resolution.

  3. Add -clientdpi 0 to the go-global shortcut Target field. This must be added at the end of the field.

For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\GraphOn\GO-Global\Client\Appcontroller.exe -clientdpi 0


3. Disable Multi-Monitor Support

GO-Global supports multiple monitors on Windows and macOS. Multi-monitor support is enabled by default, but can be disabled manually via a shortcut argument.

To stop a user from dragging Go-Global to the other monitor with a different DPI Scale (which results in graphical corruption) you can turn off.


  1. To disable multi-monitor support via a shortcut
    Add the argument -mm 0 from the AppController shortcut.

  2. To enable multi-monitor support via a shortcut.
    Append the argument -mm 1 to the AppController shortcut. You can also just delete -mm 0 to reenable multi-monitor support.


4. Other Go-Global Shortcuts

Can be found in this article here: Go-Global Shortcut Options

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