PO Actual in Budget Worksheet Does not Match Transactions Tab

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PO Actual in Budget Worksheet Does not Match Transactions Tab

If you have an amount in the PO Actual Column on the Budget Worksheet that does not match up to the transactions tab you will need to do a PO Recalc (such as a Negative PO Amount).


This procedure needs to run as it was not done at the time of adjusting a posted PO in the system.  The reason this extra step is required is so any edits to posted PO's will not affect the Cost Report. The software does this to prevent users from updating PO's & affecting the Budget Worksheet whilst the accountant is working on the Cost Report.


1. In your Budget Worksheet window, click on the Setup Options tab.

2. Tick Recalc Posted PO's then click the Recalc Above button.  Click Okay on any pop-up windows until the system has finished.


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