2019 - Eclipse Updates

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2019 - Eclipse Updates



Dec 20, 2019

  1. Vendor Master Maintenance - You can now export Invoices and Cheques to Excel from their respective tabs after highlighting a vendor.

  2. Journal Reports - The Reports are now exportable to excel by ticking the "Excel" checkbox before running the report.

  3. VAT MTD Module - Fixed the filepath in the history logs for the submitted VAT csv data for any productions thave have already submitted their VAT before the change on the 19th December 2019.


Dec 19, 2019

  1. AP Excel Reports - Made some changes as requested by BBC.

    1. AP Aging Report now provides a total for each vendor.

  2. PO Excel Reports - Made some changes as requested by BBC

    1. PO Dist Report now includes the vendor code, account code, and line number.

  3. VAT MTD Module - Fixed filepath in the history logs so it correctly points to the submitted VAT csv data. 


Dec 16, 2019

  1. Bug Fixes:

    1. Budget Worksheet - When ticking to show unposted journal entries in the BWS it will no longer throw an error message.

    2. Cheque Printing - Added in code to reduce the occurrence of Error Code "FILE NOT OPEN 37".

    3. SHOW.TPS Filepath - Fixed issue on the Australian GG Servers where the production path in the show file was not correctly resolving to the archive folder path.

    4. Invoice Inquiry - Fixed issue when sorting via Cheque Number and records duplicating in the viewport.

    5. Journal Inquiry - Fixed issue where the Unposted tab was in focus when opening the window.

    6. Dist Changes - Fixed issue where the chart separator for the Chart Sort would drop when doing a dist change on a PO line in the BWS.

  2. Petty Cash Inquiry Reports - All Petty Cash Inquiry reports can now be run to Excel from the Reports screen.

  3. Cheque Printing - Fixed an issue when adding two invoices for the same vendor to the same cheque number and the total of the cheque not updating. This should resolve the TCHQREG error message.

Dec 13, 2019

  1. Budget Worksheet - Fixed a bug where exporting a highlighted transaction to excel would export all transactions with the same tran number, instead of just the highlighted transaction.


Dec 11, 2019

  1. Journal Template Paste - Fixed issue when using "Paste Journal Form" and getting an invalid chart error message.

  2. Update EzyPO Button - Fixed issue where the update ezypo button in the CoA would not work.

  3. VAT Submissions - Fixed an issue where the Check Obligation was not grabbing the VAT Period because of a corrupted header being sent. 

Dec 10, 2019

  1. VAT CSV Report - Added a total at the end of the CSV for Net Vat.

  2. Journal Entry/Journal Paste - Fixed an issue with Journal Invoice Numbers >15 characters propagating to the system, resulting in a 2File System Error when going into the Budget Worksheet.

  3. Distribution Changes - Fixed an issue where the new transactions from a dist change would not carry over the Emp Ref field.This should fix an issue in the VAT Report where a user does a dist change on the VAT amount from one VAT account to another, and it not picking up the corresponding NET correctly.

  4. Rebate Budget Worksheet - Fixed an issue where the BWS doesn't calculate the Actual columns (Period, PO, Unposted, Tax, ToDate) when both the Rebates F flag and the Unposted Batches are ticked.

Dec 6, 2019

  1. Vendor Bank Approval - Fixed an issue where the email when an operator changes the vendor bank details was not getting sent out.

  2. Journal Entry - Replaced the SPROC error when trying to post a journal with a transaction number that already exists with a more user friendly message.


Nov 29, 2019

  1. Purchase Orders - Added in code to automatically recalculate the PO header and tax totals so they correctly show in the PO transfer screen.

Nov 26, 2019

  1. Cheque Printing - Adding Window Resizing


Nov 25, 2019


 Manual User Backups - The backup path is now auto generated and cannot be changed. A user just needs to type in the filename to backup the database. Instructions here.

Tech Notes: [SQLBACKUP] L:Country=UK must be present in Eclipsed.ini in the C:\Eclipse5SQL folder where the eclipse.exe resides. By default the AU backup path is populated. If the UK field exists in the ini file, then the UK backup path is used instead.


Invoice Inquiry - Fixed the appearance of duplicate records when sorting via Name, Amount or Batch.


PO Coding and EzyPO - Fixed an issue where changing a PO code in PO Maintenance, the BWS through a dist change, or in the EzyPO batch would not correctly update the code in EzyPO.

Nov 21, 2019

  1. Invoice Entry - Fixed a bug that could cause the PO Total header to clear when transferring PO lines to an invoice via the Subtract and Clear options.


Nov 20, 2019

  1. Chart Rebuilds - The chart rebuild is faster and now only displays a completion message when done. The intermediate messages are now suppressed. 

  2. Journals - Fixed an issue with Tax Balance and Journal Posting that could allow the user to still post an unbalanced journal.

  3. Invoice Inquiry - All columns are now sortable again.

  4. Misc Changes:

    1. Removed the Help menu option

    2. Removed the FTP and Email option in SendTo.

Nov 19, 2019

  1. Misc Fixes:

    1. Removed the Utilities → Data Backup option.

  2. Budget Worksheet - Added another automatic chart rebuild check so it picks up users that are posting in future periods and checks when they need to rebuild their chart.

  3. MTD VAT Submission - 

    1. VAT CSV Report of submitted data based on Submission ID will be generated and stored in the History Log file list.

    2. Changed MTD Vat Submission Date format so it correctly displays DD/MM/YYYY

    3. Fixed issue where the submission was flagging items already submitted in previous vat submissions with the new reconcile number.

    4. Fixed issue with the period VAT Log text file pointing to the wrong filename with an underscore in it (e.g. pointed to vat19AI_.txt when it should be pointing to vat19AI.txt)

  4. Historical VAT Reports - Added a VAT Submission field in GL Inquiry and GL Inquiry Reports to output all transactions attributed to that VAT Submission. This is a number that increments from 1 onwards for each vat submission. The user has to grab this number either from the VAT Logs from the MTD Submission Module, or from the Ledger Inquiry screen (last column).

  5. Cheque Printing - Fixed a long standing bug where the invoices would not be correctly assigned to a cheque when it went over the "invoices per cheque" setting in the Cheque Printing screen. The invoices could only be manually corrected in SQL by a tech.

  6. Cheque History Remittances - 

    1. When selecting ALL bank control accounts to print cheques from, it will correctly print the company details on each cheque.

    2. Forced the VENDOR code to be in capitals when filtering Cheque History reports. This will fix incorrect remittances being printed out with merged details.

  7. Cheque History - POS Pay List Report - Fixed the POS PAY LIST report layout that is run from Cheque History. It has been pushed to all blank data folders. To import into a production go to G:\Custom Report Layouts\Fixed Pos Lay List and import it into the Cheque History module (delete the old one first or it will not be imported).

  8. Duplicate Inquiry Screens - Merged some duplicate inquiry screens into their respective modules.

    1. Journal Inquiry 1 and Journal Inquiry merged.

    2. Petty Cash Inquiry 1 and Petty Cash Inquiry merged.

    3. Invoice Inquiry 1 and Invoice Inquiry merged.

  9. Invoice Inquiry and Manual Cheques - Added an error message when a user enters in a cheque number but leaves the date blank. This will prevent users from assigning a cheque number but not a date, resulting in the cheque needing to be reset in SQL by a tech.

  10. EFT File Creation - Added support for XML tags. Note that most tags will still need to be hardcoded. 

    1. Put the XML tag in the Description (without the <>)

    2. X in the Comma field

    3. and populate the FIELD type.

    4. This will then wrap the Description XML tags around the field.

Nov 1, 2019

  1. Misc Fixes:

    1. Fixed an error where the Input Control with Audit Report was not calculating totals correctly.

    2. Fixed error message when user clicked the check obligation button in MTD Module.

  2. Invoice Reports - AP Inquiry Reports can now be run to Excel. This includes AP Aging, Distribution and Input Control.

  3. PO Reports - PO Maintenance Reports can now be run to Excel. This includes PO Distribution and Input Control.

  4. System Default -> Prevent users from deleting batches  - Renamed the setting in System Defaults to prevent confusion. This default is now called "Allow Batch Delete". This setting applies across all batch posting modules in Eclipse by disabling the Delete button.

  5. User Access - Added Ctrl+F8 User Access option to block the Attachments tab in the BWS and Ledger Inquiry

  6. Resize Window and Window Split - Invoice Inquiry 1 can now be resized between the top and bottom half of the window between the invoice and detail lines. More screens will be added in future updates.


Oct 30, 2019

  1. Chart Rebuilds - Changed how the Chart Rebuilds functionality works from the update on the 29 Oct 2019. The system will automatically prompt the user if they want to run a chart rebuild to fix their data instead of asking to contact support. A message will popup stating that the user's totals are not correct, and asks if they want to correct. Selecting Yes will rebuild the charts/BWS.


Oct 29, 2019

  1. PO Recalc - The system will now automatically run a PO Recalc if required when opening the Budget Worksheet. It will only run it if the user has set the system to auto update POs in the System Defaults. See here.

  2. Chart Rebuilds - The system will check if the user needs to run a Chart Rebuild when opening the Budget Worksheet. An error message will popup asking the user to contact support. These error messages are GLC_PERI, GLC_PREP or GLC_NXTP do not equal zero. The user will need to run a chart rebuild as outlined here.

  3. EzyPO CoA Update and Eclipse - The Update EzyPO Button/iEclipse Conversion will have no functionality in Eclipse if the production is using an EzyPO only database with a customised chart sort order. This will prevent anyone from accidently running this and destroying the production's chart of account setup.

  4. PO Maintenance - When modifying a PO in Eclipse and adding line items, the chart code will be correctly propagated to EzyPO.

  5. PO Maintenance - When doing a Copy Log to PO it will no longer throw error messages when rebuilding POs with Hire or Accomodation line items.


Oct 28, 2019

  1. Updated Eclipse to Clarion 11.

  2. Invoice Entry and PO Drawdowns - The system will now draw-down the PO value to an invoice when clicking OK on the invoice entry screen.

  3. Posting Transactions - Transactions that were getting posted were flagged as a NULL reconcile number instead of zero, this excluded them from reports when the exclude reconcile number item was ticked until the system could update them to 0 in the background.

  4. Vendor Bank Details - Changes that users made to bank details for vendors were incorrectly sending out change-log emails when the "Lock Vendor Bank" system default was turned to off.

  5. CoA Excel Paste - Chart of Accounts module was not refreshing on an Excel paste in.

  6. Invoice Entry - Edit in Place changes, added some code so when you lose focus to a highlighted record it will prompt you to save the record to prevent any accidental deletion.

  7. Invoice Entry - Clipped the Invoice Number to 15 characters from the Invoice Excel Paste in to prevent an invoice getting posted with a number that was too long.

  8. Petty Cash Entry - The system will now warn you if you are entering a PC form with a duplicate PC Envelope number (either sitting in an unposted batch, or posted in the GL).

  9. Invalid Chart Message Error Suppression - Eclipse will no longer throw an error message when it detects an invalid chart of account. This is especially useful with excel paste-ins and 100's of error messages popping up. Will no longer throw the error message for the following modules:

    1. Journal Entry and Journal Entry Reports

    2. Purchase Order Maintenance and Reports

  10. Period Close - Fixed a bug where a warning message telling the user they were closing the period but not clearing costs, even with the "Clear Costs this Period" checkbox ticked.

  11. PO Zeroing - When zeroing a PO the Notes field is now a required entry.

Oct 14, 2019

  1. Period Close - Added a dropdown list in this module to show previous periods and dates.

  2. Invoice Barcodes - Removed the warning message that no barcode was entered if Invoice Scanning turned off in System Defaults.

Oct 9, 2019

  1. Cheque Remittance History - Fixed an issue where first cheque printed would merge with the first cheque for that vendor. This occurred when using a vendor filter and printing remittances from Cheque History. 

  2. Cheque Printing - Fixed an issue that did not save your default report type where it would always default to printer. 

  3. Chart of Accounts - Deleting a Chart of Account Line no longer jumps the Chart of Account list to the first chart code.

Oct 8, 2019

  1. User Entry Defaults - Fixed Ledger Inquiry Browse Filtering. Previously when a filter was set in the user defaults the ledger would show up as blank.

  2. Users - Operators are now restricted by default from editing Control Accounts.

  3. Invoice Inquiry Reports - Reports can now be run over an amount range. 

  4. Cheque Printing - A warning message will pop up when a user tries to create an EFT file and there are no BSB or Account Numbers setup for that vendor. The user can still create the EFT file and print the cheques if they wish.

  5. Financial Reports - The "Use Data From Period" under Report Range/Options will no longer show the current or future periods. This will stop users from running and generating incorrect reports. 

  6. Budget Worksheet - Removed some defunct options from the "Setup Options" tab.

  7. Budget Worksheet - Added the options to include unposted data at all times in the Budget Worksheet. The "Recalc on Open" checkbox will recalculate any unposted entries and show them in the Budget Worksheet when re-opening it. A popup prompt will popup when opening the BWS  asking the user if they would like to recalculate unposed entries (as it can take some time to complete).

  8. Financial Reports > Cost Reports - When ticking the flag filters in the Report Range Options and ticking the "Send to Excel" checkbox, a fourth report sheet will be exported to excel called the Rebate Cost Report. This will be included with Cost Report, Trial Balance, and CR Variance sheets.

  9. VAT MTD Module - The user can tick a "Create CSV Report" before clicking Calculate to generate a ledger output of the calculation to Excel.

  10. Chart of Accounts/EzyPO Sync - Added an Update EzyPO Button to the Chart of Accounts page to sync the CoA with EzyPO.

  11. (AU Only) - Added a new report default called Cost Report QAPE Rebates to the blank data templates. Can be found under F:\Custom Report Layouts\Rebates Cost Report QAPE\ if you need to import it into an existing production.

Sep 19, 2019

  1. New Corp Vendor approval feature added under Control Table → System Defaults → Accounts Payable → "Corp Vendor Bank Approval".

    • This has similar functionality to the "Corp All Vendor Approval" but is less rigid and allows vendors to be created without approval if they do not include bank details.

    • An operator can create and edit vendors without approval until they edit the bank details, vendor name or tax ID.

    • The "Corp All Vendor Approval" default should be turned off. Only one should be ticked or the approvers will get multiple approval email messages.

  2. Cheque Printing will now exclude vendors that have not been approved (when corp vendor approval options ticked) or the vendor is marked as inactive.

  3. New PO Auto-Calculate Distribution Feature added to the PO Master Maintenance Module.

    • If you edit the Total PO Amount, the Tax amount, or one of the distribution lines and attempt to save the PO it will prompt with an auto-calculate prompt.

  4. SMTP Settings removed from System Defaults. These are now stored in a database table and do not have to be entered when setting up a database.

  5. A user no longer has to enter a "from" email address for emailing out vendor bank and corp approval emails. It will use the eclipsesupport@tphglobal.com email. 

    • A user will still need to enter in a "from" email address when sending out cheque remittance emails.

  6. A warning message will popup if no admin email set when trying to send an email to it. This is used for the Vendor Bank Loc and Corp Approval system defaults.


Sep 16, 2019

  1. Fixed the "Approve" button not being moved correctly when resizing the Vendor Master Maintenance window. 

  2. Operator accounts no longer have access to System Defaults and are automatically blocked from entering this screen.


Sep 13, 2019 

  1.  Fixes to prevent users from posting or deleting an EzyPO Batch

    1. The missing batch function will not create the EzyPO Batch automatically.

    2. Users cannot post anything in the EzyPO Batch.

    3. Users cannot delete the contents of an EzyPO Batch. The batch will be deleted from the PO entry screen if the user deletes it, but none of the contents inside the batch will be removed (can be reinstated via batch-rename).

  2. Fixed filename appearing twice in the attachments tab when uploading a document from the Invoice entry screen and Petty Cash entry screen.

  3. Fixed error message when sorting via Current Approver in the Invoice Entry batch

  4. Vendor attachments now work and will display in Vendor Master Maintenance → Attachments tab. To add an attachment open up the vendor details via change or double clicking, then navigate to the attachments tab.


Sep 12, 2019 

  1. Fixed an error message popping up when pasting in Control Account transactions from a GL excel export into the General Ledger → Ledger Inquiry window.


Sep 9, 2019 

  1. "Lock Budget Column" checkbox created under Control Table → System Defaults → General Ledger. Ticking this prevents users from editing the Budget column in the BWS via insert, paste, or a movie magic budget upload.

  2. Added functionality to automatically restore missing batches when the user enters the JN, INV, PC or PO entry screen. Missing Fuel batches will be moved into the standard PC screen.

  3. Fixed an issue when the user tries to close a period without any dates populated.

  4. Added a visual indicator at the bottom of the Period Close screen that runs through accounts when generating a period close report.

  5. Invoices per cheque set to 500 when the user ticks the "Create EFT File" in Cheque Printing. The number on this screen will not change as this is done in the background. 

  6. Added code to all posting modules to prevent users from posting batches at the same time. 

    • This creates an entry in the DATA\eclipsed.ini file for each posting module. When a user is posting it will flick to 'Y' preventing any posting in that module until the system has completed the post and flicked it back to 'N'.


  7. "PO Audit Log" checkbox added to the Invoice Entry batch Reports screen. When this option is ticked and the new report layout "Input with Audit" is selected it will generate a report as per below.

    • NOTE: If the user has this option ticked and is not running the correct layout, it will duplicate the invoice lines multiple times.

    • Only new databases will have this report. If you wish to import into an old database the "Invoice Entry - PO With Audit Report" can be found under Custom Report Layouts on the Productions drive.

Aug 26, 2019

"Vendor Approval" functionality added to Eclipse. To turn on, tick the checkbox "Corp All Vendor Approval" under Control Table → System Defaults → Accounts Payable.

  • Vendor Lock and Lock Vendor bank should be off, unless the Supervisor wants to be the only person updating vendor bank details.

How it works:

  1. When an Operator creates a vendor it sends out an email to the Admin to approve a vendor. The vendor is marked as inactive and cannot be used until they are approved.

  2. The Supervisor then needs to login to Eclipse, locate the vendor in VMM, then select them and click the Approve button. This will change the vendor from inactive to active. 




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