2021 - Eclipse Updates

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2021 - Eclipse Updates


Dec 17, 2021

  1. Financial Reports - Period Range

    1. Further fixes for Sky Production’s Period Range reporting and templates.

  2. All Attachment Screens

    1. Fixed an issue where a blank attachment would load a file explorer in the attachment viewport.

  3. Vendor Master Maintenance

    1. Changed the excel class used for Exports in this module only.

Dec 16, 2021

  1. Financial Reports - Period Range

    1. Further fixes for Sky Production’s Period Range reporting and templates.

Dec 14, 2021

  1. Financial Reports - Period Range

    1. Added functionality to output the period range and dates when running over historical periods. Currently this report is only applicable to a specific Sky Database with a custom report layout.

Dec 13, 2021

  1. Purchase Order Reports

    1. Fixed an issue with PO Excel Reports corrupting due to an invalid character in the description fields.

  2. MTD VAT Submission Module

    1. Fixed an issue where the submission number was not being added to the records in GLMASTER.

    2. Added the SQL statement to update the submission number to the VAT logs.

Dec 7, 2021

  1. Reporting

    1. Fixed an issue with reports freezing if trying to export data with a negative transaction number.

Dec 3, 2021

  1. MTD VAT Submission Module

    1. Fixed some more VAT submission headers as per HMRC feedback.

  2. Petty Cash and Invoices Attachment Uploading

    1. Fixed an issue when uploading attachments and and the previous attachment subfolder still being in the buffer which applied to any new attachment uploaded


Nov 26, 2021

  1. MTD VAT Submission Module

    1. Fixed some missing and invalid web headers.

  2. Petty Cash → Petty Cash Entry

    1. Users can now update date in the PC Adv and PC Acc lines by exporting to excel and pasting it back in, or changing the date in the PC Entry field and then deleting the PC Adv and PC Acc lines and re-entering in amounts.

  3. Invoices → Invoice Entry

    1. Changed the background colour of fully approved invoices from light green to dark green

    2. Fixed the comments via the DPF tab not being sent to DPF when the Invoice is sent.


Nov 24, 2021

  1. Excel Exports

    1. Fixed an invalid character breaking the Excel Exports that resulted in a blank excel file in the Vendor Master Maintenance and Invoice Inquiry modules.


Nov 16, 2021

  1. Eclipse User Security Levels

    1. Went over every module to fix any missing areas where the user security level did not take effect.

    2. Fixed wildcard level 99 sec levels not working correctly

    3. Added Control Account Filtering to Invoice Entry, Cheque Printing, and PC Entry.

    4. For more information on sec levels see: User Security Access and Security Levels


Nov 5, 2021

  1. Control Table → System Defaults → SMTP → Admin Email

    1. Increased the character limit of this field so more emails could be assigned as an Admin email.

  2. Accounts Payable → Cheque Printing

    1. Removed some old unused libraries from the cheque printing screen.


Oct 29, 2021

  1. Unposted Journal Transactions

    1. Fixed issues with flags not updating (F,IN,TX) when an updated spreadsheet was pasted in.

  2. Invoice Entry → Send to DPF

    1. Fixed an issue where a user emailed invoices to the OCR module, as these were already in DPF the send to DPF option threw an error message.

  3. Financial Reports - Unposted PO checkbox

    1. Fixed an issue where if you had this option ticked and ran a Financial Report it was doubling up the orders that had been modified and were sitting in an unposted batch.

    2. This option will no longer include any modified orders sitting in an unposted batch.

  4. Added the Cent Trip Debit Card API

    1. This option can be found in the System Defaults → Petty Cash section

    2. See attached instructions.



Oct 28, 2021

  1. Integrated Barcode Scanning (AU ONLY)

    1. Rolled out iEclipse barcode scanning to the AU Side.

    2. A button is available under Invoice Inquiry that allows users to upload their barcode scans with the same functionality as the iEclipse website.

  2. Invoice Entry → Invoice Entry Paste in

    1. Removed the paste in from using the BSB, Acc Number and Acc Name in the template and overwriting the vendor details in Eclipse.


Oct 26, 2021

  1. Financial Reports → Send to Excel

    1. Fixed an issue with an invalid character breaking the excel report output.

  2. Invoice Entry → New Attachment Popup

    1. Removed this button as it had invalid code and was not working.


Oct 25, 2021

  1. Budget Worksheet → Transactions tab

    1. Fixed an issue with an invalid character breaking the excel report output.


Oct 21, 2021

  1. All Modules → Attachments tab

    1. Fixed an issue with attachments not displaying if GLMS Subfolder is populated and the attachment is in the root DATA folder.

  2. Bank Reconciliation → Reports

    1. Fixed an issue where the reports would export blank data if the report name differed from the default layout name.

  3. Excel Node API Update (AU ONLY)

    1. Replaced the Node API to fix numerous issues with the old Node API.

    2. Fixes an issue where the ETC, Fringe, Variance and Period Variance were blank in the Excel export if a Note is present.

  4. Invoice Inquiry → Invoice Input Reports

    1. Fixed an issue where running these reports over no data would not display anything.

    2. A blank report will now be displayed to the user if the filters they are using will not actually give them any data.

  5. Ledger Inquiry/Budget Worksheet → Excel Paste In

    1. Fixed an issue where the F, IN and Tax did not update Unposted transactions on paste in.

  6. Petty Cash → Paste NEW PC Form

    1. Added validation to the VAT Total Line on paste in.

  7. User Level Security Filtering → “Use User Sec Level for New Chart and Vendors”

    1. Added all missing data entry screens for filtering based on the user security level. Some screens were not correctly filtering based on the user security levels, vendor security levels and chart security levels.


Oct 7, 2021

  1. Invoice Entry → Invoice Line Distribution

    1. Fixed a missing tab on the Invoice Line Distribution Excel Export for Live Nation

    2. Exports these details to a second tab in the export: Oracle Code / Invoice # / Eclipse Code/ Description /  Amount/  Transaction # / Vendor Name


Oct 5, 2021

  1. Journal Entry → Security Levels

    1. Fixed security levels not applying to unposted journals.

    2. If a chart of account does not exist for the journal line, the user can still see the transaction line.


Sep 30, 2021

  1. Financial Reports → Send to Excel

    1. Fixed a bug where the ‘Send to Excel’ option would not save to the Report Default.


Sep 29, 2021

  1. Invoice Entry → Invoice Lines Export

    1. Fixed an issue where the excel export for Invoice lines was using the COM method instead of the Node API.


Sep 20, 2021

  1. Invoice Entry → Add two Tax Lines

    1. If a vendor is setup with a N tax flag and the Add Two Tax Lines system default is ticked, Eclipse will no longer automatically create two N flags in the invoice entry screen.

    2. Instead the system will create one tax flag and one non-tax flag as specified in the Control Table → Currencies tax flag selections.


Sep 17, 2021

  1. Financial Reports → Send to Excel

    1. This checkbox will now be saved to the report default correctly.

  2. Petty Cash Inquiry → Reports

    1. Removed the defunct checkbox Use Selected Records that was greyed out.


Sep 15, 2021

  1. Budget Worksheet Excel Paste In

    1. Fixed an issue where pasting a budget worksheet into Eclipse with the wrong amount of columns selected would spam the user with error messages for every incorrect row. It will now only throw one error message.


Sep 14, 2021

  1. Excel Node Reports

    1. Fixed an issue with Excel Node reports not exporting in Financial Reports and Ledger Inquiry if the show name contained invalid filename characters.


Sep 9, 2021

  1. Vendor Master Maintenance

    1. Fixed an issue with the Vendor Name column not sorting correctly.

  2. Cheque Posting

    1. Fixed issues with this window not resizing correctly and UI elements overlapping

    2. Added a minimum resize value to this window.


Sep 9, 2021

  1. Financial Reports - Closed Period Reports

    1. Fixed an issue with the closed period reports not generating the correct current period figures when the ‘allow period range on financial reports’ in system defaults was enabled.


Sep 6, 2021

  1. Invoice Entry → PO Transfer

    1. Fixed an issue were transferring a PO to an Invoice would set the PO as the first page in DPF when the Invoice was sent there.

  2. Purchase Orders

    1. Fixed an issue with the 5 day hire calculation being incorrect.

  3. Excel Node Reports

    1. General Ledger Inquiry and Financial reports that are saved to disk will have more friendly filenames.
      e.g. DEMO_COST REPORT_2021-09-03_11-26-16.xlsx

    2. Fixed an issue where the Excel PO Distribution and Input Control Reports did not respect Save to Disk being enabled.

  4. Production List

    1. Added a search bar to the production list. This will help with sorting through the master show file.

  5. Financial Reports

    1. Fixed a bug where a blank period date field would still appear on the report window when “Use Period Close Date” was ticked.


Aug 30, 2021

  1. Ledger Inquiry → Excel/CSV

    1. Fixed an issue with the save to disk folders not being created on the users local drive.

  2. Cheque Printing → User Defaults

    1. Will now copy and set the default control code, report layout, invoices per cheque, cheque copies and EFT setup when the user creates a new cheque printing default.

  3. DPF Invoices and Petty Cash Batches

    1. Added in delete protection for DPF Invoice batches 2,3,4.

    2. Added in delete protection for DPF Petty Cash batches 5,6,7.


Aug 27, 2021

  1. Financial Reports -> Send to Excel

    1. Fixed an issue with the header row not generating correctly in the excel export.

Aug 23, 2021

  1. System Defaults → General Ledger → Period End Date

    1. Added a system default under Use Period Close Date. By default this is enabled.

    2. If a user disables this functionality it will enable a Period End Date field under Financial Reports for users to type in their period end date manually, which is then printed on the Report header.

  2. Invoice Entry → Tax Balance

    1. Corrected a bug where the tax would balance when checking with the button but would throw a tax balance error on post.

  3. Excel Node Export for large datasets

    1. If an excel report is >500 lines the formatting will be removed in order to prevent the Excel Repair/Corruption dialog box when opening the file.

  4. Master Show file

    1. Added some user debug logging under C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Temp to troubleshoot production access issues with the master showfile rollout.

Aug 17, 2021

  1. Vendor Master Maintenance - Invoices and Cheques tabs

    1. Fixed the excel node export not working on the Invoices and Cheques tabs.

Aug 13, 2021

  1. Invoice Inquiry - Hold Invoices

    1. Fixed an issue where if an Invoice was marked as Hold = Y and the user cancelled that Invoice, the cancelled Invoice would also be marked as Hold = Y. The hold status is now cleared correctly.

  2. System Defaults → Scan Check Excel Report

    1. Fixed an issue with the export not exporting barcodes with missing file attachments in the DATA folder.

  3. System Defaults → Petty Cash → Email PC Start Line

    1. Added an option to change the start line of the Email PC Form and Create PC Form exports. This is for when the user is not using any tax lines on lines 3 and 4 and they want their PC Form to have items under line number 5 exported.

    2. The default value is set to export lines into a PC form starting from line 5.


  4. Petty Cash → Debit Card Paste in

    1. Fixed an issue where the data lines were not pasting in starting at line 5 when Add 2 Tax Lines was disabled in System Defaults.

  5. Financial Reports - Historical Periods

    1. Removed the Period End Date field from the Report options.


    2. When running a historical report over a closed period, the Period Number and Period Date will now be grabbed from the Period Close or the currently open period.


Jul 28, 2021

  1. Cheque Printing → Test Cheques

    1. Fixed error messages popping up and spamming a user when they printed a Test Cheque.

  2. Debit Card Paste In

    1. Added a system default under the Petty Cash tab that allows a user to enter in a number between 5 and 20. This setting will split the envelope based on the number entered here (min 5, max 20).

    2. The default is set as 15.


  3. System Defaults Security Permissions

    1. Added CTRL+F8 Security Operator permissions to most System Defaults tabs (except General and Company Details).

    2. This allows Operators to be given access to specific sections in the System Defaults without being an Supervisor user account.


  4. Scan Check Excel Report

    1. This report has been added back into Eclipse under the System Defaults → Scanning tab.

Jul 20, 2021

  1. Budget Worksheet → Transactions

    1. Fixed an issue when exporting transactions to Excel. The sort order would reset and the transaction window would go blank until refreshed.

Jul 9, 2021

  1. Payroll Module

    1. Users can now set access to the Payroll Module again on a Professional License. In order to do this you must add L:AllowPayroll=Y to the eclipsed.ini file in the DATA folder of the production, under the [“PRODUCTION NAME”] heading.

  2. Debit Card Import

    1. Updated max tran to 15.

  3. Eclipse and DPF Functionality

    1. Indirect Tax, Vendor and Control Table Chart Sort and Chart Code will now correctly update in DPF if changed in Eclipse.

  4. Debit Card Paste

    1. Fixed issue when pasting equals data into Eclipse and it not correctly separating transactions.

  5. Period Close

    1. Updated period close when ‘Clear Costs’ was unselected by a user to now always take a snapshot to the pericost table.

  6. Chart of Accounts

    1. The chart of accounts fields for CU, LO, EPS, PROD, DETL, SET will now only accept alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9, period and dash). If a user tries to enter in a symbol into any of these fields it will be stripped out automatically.

  7. Financial Reports - Historical Period Range option

    1. Added a checkbox under System Defaults → General Ledger to enable this functionality.

    2. This functionality will allow a user to select a period range in the Financial Reports module to run their reports over.

Jul 1, 2021

  1. Netflix Upload

    1. This fix is only applicable where productions were setup with non-compatible Netflix balance sheet codes and then had to change to Netflix compatible account codes for the Interstellar upload.

    2. Fixed issue where if an ITD file was sent it would remove the control account mapping in TenantGUID from GLCHART.

    3. Control account mapping for old control accounts is now set in SystemAccount.

  2. Invoice Inquiry → Reports

    1. Added a Studio Code field to the report fields.

  3. Invoice Inquiry → Hold Invoices

    1. Fixed an issue where if an Invoice was flagged as Y under Hold Invoices, the user could still assign a manual cheque number. It will now throw an error if a user tries to do this and the Hold flag is set.

  4. Petty Cash → Voucher Field

    1. When a production is using barcode scanning, the barcode number entered into the Attach field will now also be set in the Voucher field on manual entry or via the paste in.

  5. Chart of Accounts → Excel Paste In

    1. The excel paste in will now strip all characters except the following: A-Z, 0-9, (space), period and dash)

  6. MTD Submission Module

    1. Updated headers sent to HMRC to be compliant with the specifications.

Jun 22, 2021

  1. Accounts Payable → Cheque History 1

    1. Renamed this module to Cheque History with Attachments to better reflect the functionality of this window compared to the Cheque History/Cancel,Reissue module.

Jun 16, 2021

  1. Payroll Module

    1. Removed this option entirely from the Eclipse menus. The license must be changed to Enterprise to get this option back.

  2. Invoice Entry

    1. Fixed bug where sorting on Approval Group or Username would crash the batch window.

  3. General Ledger → Financial Reports

    1. Fixed an issue with sequences and set ranges being ignored.

  4. Budget Upload → Movie Magic

    1. Added a Movie Magic 10 upload option so it’s compatible with the latest movie magic version. You must export in the Tab Delimited format.

    2. Fixed the issue with the imported budget window not refreshing when uploading the budget multiple times.

    3. Fixed the issue with the first non-postable chart of account in the budget file not getting uploaded.

Jun 10, 2021

  1. Budget Worksheet

    1. Added Cost Report updating checkboxes to the BWS Setup Screen so Operator accounts can still access.


  2. User Entry Defaults → Auto Print Attachments

    1. Changed checkbox description to “Auto Print Attachments During Invoice Entry” and added tooltip to provide further information on what this option does.

  3. Cheque Printing

    1. If the Set Invoices Per Cheque field is set to <10, this value is ignored and the system automatically sets this field to 99. This is to prevent issues with users incorrectly using this option to split invoices to cheques.

  4. Node Export → 1099 Vendor Report

    1. Added the TaxID field to the export.

  5. Node Export → Cheque Posting

    1. Fixed the export not using the fm3.ini setting so it will now correctly export via the NodeAPI.

  6. Control Table → Control Accounts

    1. Granted access to Operator accounts to create and edit Control Accounts. Previously only Supervisor accounts could do this.

Jun 3, 2021

  1. Budget Worksheet

    1. Added an ‘exclude zero lines’ to the BWS Summary sheet to exclude any zero value accounts.

    2. Added an ‘exclude zero lines’ to the Transactions tab.

  2. User Entry Defaults → Save to Disk

    1. Fixed a bug where the save to disk default would not save for the user when re-opening Eclipse.

May 24, 2021

  1. Cheque Printing - Create EFT File

    1. Made the ‘Reprint Cheques’ and ‘Create EFT File’ checkboxes more intuitive to select. Previously ticking ‘reprint cheques’ would disable ‘create eft file’ unless ‘print negative cheques’ was unticked.

  2. Ledger Inquiry → VAT Reports

    1. Made ‘calculate net tax’ compatible with Unposted Journals. This works on all VAT Reports so users can run VAT Reports over unposted journals to check that they have entered in their journals correctly and the VAT balances.

May 21, 2021

  1. Chart of Accounts

    1. Fixed CoA scrolling to the bottom after deleting an account code.

  2. Ledger Inquiry → Dist Change

    1. Fixed issue when populating the Dist Change list with multiple transactions using the same tran number.

May 18, 2021

  1. MTD VAT Submission

    1. Added additional required information sent in headers to HMRC when grabbing a period obligation.

  2. Budget Worksheet - Transactions Tab

    1. Fixed an issue where an Excel export from the transactions tab would sometimes double up lines in the export.

  3. User Entry Defaults - MAC User checkbox

    1. If a user ticks this checkbox and then presses ok, it sets the default save to disk path to M:\Desktop\Eclipse

May 17, 2021

  1. Invoice Entry - Unposted Invoice Lists

    1. Populated all DPF data into the columns that were previously missing.

  2. Distribution Change Excel Paste in

    1. Fixed the excel distribution paste in missing checks when it added transactions. This resulted in paste ins failing incorrectly.

  3. System Defaults → Excel Beta Reports

    1. Removed this system default as it is defunct.

    2. Excel Beta reports is a setting that is set per server in the eclipse/start/fm3.ini file

May 11, 2021

  1. Vendor Master Maintenance

    1. Made the vendor code a required field

    2. Replaced the SQL Error message with a more user friendly message when the user enters a vendor code that already exists.

  2. Node Export - Unposted Invoice List

    1. Added DPF Fields to the Invoice List Export

  3. Netflix Upload

    1. Netflix export will now abort if EFC or Budget figures found against non-postable accounts as their system will not process these. Users will need to set these accounts to postable, zero the amounts or move the budget and EFC amounts to postable accounts for the upload to work

  4. User Security Levels

    1. Added missing security name filters for Journal Entry and Journal Inquiry as security names were not functioning properly in these modules.

May 6, 2021

  1. EFT File Creation

    1. Fixed a bug where if the user selected ‘PDF’ as their Report Type in Cheque Printing it would print a corrupted EFT File.

  2. Node Export - FBT Report

    1. Fixed all missing fields in the Fuel Register and Car Hire Register sheet for the Excel Node Export.

  3. Node Export - Debit Card Transactions

    1. Fixed issue where no transaction lines would populate the export sheet.

  4. Node Export - Unposted Invoice List

    1. Exporting transactions to Excel from the Unposted Invoice list will now list DPF Columns (approved by, import log, current approver, etc).

Apr 30, 2021

  1. EFT File Creation

    1. Fixed bug with Fremantle SFTP Upload at Cheque Printing.

    2. Fixed issue where creating a PDF Report (Not Preview) in Cheque Printing could change the EFT Download path.

  2. Chart of Accounts

    1. Created a more user friendly error message when trying to copy a chart of account with the ‘Copy’ button and the destination chart already existing. Previously it would show an SQL Insert error.

  3. Ledger Inquiry Reports

    1. Fixed Issue with Excel Reports exporting more than 10 invoice numbers (max is 15 in Eclipse) to an excel file. Previously it would truncate invoice numbers to 10 character.

  4. Chart Lookup

    1. Fixed issue with the Exit button selecting the chart of account instead of exiting the lookup.

    2. Fixed issue where selecting the Exit button in the VMM PC Advance Code selection would insert a period into the Set field.

  5. BWS Rebate Sheet

    1. Fixed issue with dumping the BWS Rebate sheet to Excel

  6. Purchase Orders

    1. Fixed issue with being able to paste an PO transaction line sheet with Car Hire lines and it not updating in the specific Car Hire lines in Eclipse.

Apr 19, 2021

  1. User Entry Defaults → Mac User

    1. This checkbox will ‘force on’ the Excel Save to Disk for the user by overwriting the default Save to Disk functionality set by the server (Either Yes or No).

Apr 13, 2021

  1. Vendor Master Maintenance

    1. Fixed issue with selecting a PC Float code with the ellipsis menu if the field was already populated.

  2. PC Fuel Entry

    1. Fixed issue where you cannot re-assign the PC Float code if changed in VMM by retyping in the adv/acc amounts in the entry screen.

  3. Ledger Inquiry

    1. Fixed issue where uploading an attachment would set the upload with a subfolder so it appeared blank in the attachments view.

  4. System Defaults → Petty Cash → Disable Auto-Recalc of Tax in Petty Cash

    1. Added a system default under the Petty Cash tab to prevent the system from recalculating the VAT line when the user wants to manually edit it.

  5. BBC VAT Report

    1. Added a Description Column to the Excel Report (after Tax ID and before Net Amount)

  6. Eclipse Production Selection List

    1. Fixed bug where if you pressed the ‘enter’ key to select a production from the list it would throw an SQL error.

  7. Petty Cash Form Generation (Email PC Form and Create PC Form)

    1. Lines will now be exported in ascending date order (most recent transaction at the bottom)


Mar 19, 2021

  1. Vendor Master Maintenance

    1. Fixed issue with the Excel Node export not correctly exporting the vendor contact information and email

    2. Fixed issue with the Excel Paste in and it wiping the W9 Expiry Date

  2. Invoice Inquiry Reports → Input Control Report

    1. Fixed issue where if you ran the report Input Control Report and no data was returned it would crash Eclipse.

  3. MTD VAT Submission

    1. Corrected error with incorrect file path to CARoot.pem

  4. Financial Reports → Sequence Ranges

    1. Added the ability to copy the entire sequence range including Sub, Cu, Loc, Eps, and Subtotal Header

  5. Netflix Upload

    1. Added checks to see if the user has permissions to upload to Netflix (access to C:\winscp) when starting Eclipse or pressing the Upload button under the Ledger Inquiry → Export → Netflix screen.

    2. The GL auto-export will be skipped if the user is not part of the Netflix-Upload group in Active Directory.

    3. The Ledger Inquiry → Export → Netflix screen will throw an error telling the user to contact support if they are not part of the Netflix-Upload group in Active Directory.

  6. Fremantle Upload

    1. Added extra SFTP settings for Fremantle Uploads. Fremantle Uploads now use SFTP2 settings.

Mar 16, 2021

  1. Invoice Inquiry Reports

    1. Fixed issue with node export not working for Invoice Inquiry Reports.

  2. Debit Card PC Email

    1. Changed the body of the PC Email message to:
      “Please find attached a copy of your latest debit card expenses. Please fill in the details and return this form as an Excel document, along with a scanned copy of all receipts in PDF format.“

  3. MTD VAT Submission

    1. Fixed an issue where the MTD CSV Report being opened would break Excel node file generation.

    2. Fixed an issue where files in the MTD History Log being opened would break Excel node file generation.

  4. Vendor Master Maintenance

    1. Fixed issue where the Excel Paste in to update vendor details would wipe the bank details if ‘lock vendor bank’ was ticked in System Defaults. The functionality will now work as desired and will still update all other vendor details except bank details if this system default is ticked.

  5. Master Production Show File

    1. Laid down the groundwork to move to one centralised showfile with all productions inside it, instead of individual show files per each user.

    2. If a user does not have AD group permissions to view the production folder, Eclipse will filter it out from the user’s production list and hide it (instead of needing to remove it manually from the user’s show.tps file).

    3. To turn on this functionality, put FilterShows=Y under [FM3ODB] in the Eclipse/start/fm3.ini folder. By default Eclipse uses FilterShows=N

Mar 11, 2021

  1. Petty Cash Debit Card Reconciliation Paste in

    1. Added the functionality to chose your tax code when pasting in debit card transactions into the Petty Cash Entry screen.

    2. If this checkbox is not ticked it will use the default vendor tax code.


Mar 10, 2021

  1. VAT Submission Module

    1. Fixed issue with PeriodKey text record being named incorrectly in the history logs.

    2. Fixed non-GB currencies being picked up in the MTD Module for the VAT portion when the user has flagged non-GB Accounts as V or S using the multiple VAT accounts method.

  2. Ledger Inquiry Reports - Fixed issue where generating a FBT or BAS Report with Excel/CSV ticked at the same time would cause a GPF and crash the program.

  3. Bank Rec Attachments - Fixed an issue where bank rec attachments were not getting primed with the correct tran number so they were showing under all control accounts. When a user uploads a new attachment they will now be primed to that control account, and will only show under the attachments tab for that account.

  4. Excel Node Reports

    1. Fixed issue with node reports not appearing for users on the UK side because of missing quotes around the filename.

    2. Fixed various node reports not working on the UK side and not generating any file.

    3. Fixed issue where the Ledger Inquiry excel exports would ignore the ‘save to disk’ option in user defaults.

  5. Invoice Entry - Fixed issue with the payroll TPH Invoices not showing the attachments.

Feb 24, 2021

  1. Invoice Entry PO Transfer - Fixed issue where the CTRL key was getting initialised after a PO Transfer to an Invoice.

  2. Negative Cheques - Fixed an issue where the negative cheque tick box would not stay ticked in the Cheque Printing Module.

  3. Excel BAS Report (AUS Side) - Fixed missing headers in the Ledger Sheet of the BAS Workbook.

  4. EFT File Creation - Added additional fields to Eclipse for EFT File Creation to complete the EFT Layout for Spiderhead’s US Team.

Feb 15, 2021

  1. Attachment Upload in all modules - Fixed issue with uploading documents with long file paths or periods in file paths causing the attachment upload to fail.

  2. Viewing Attachments in attachment tabs- Fixed a bug where if there was no attachment attached to a transaction it would display the previously viewed attachment.

  3. Negative Cheque Reprint - Fixed a bug where reprinting a negative cheque would make it disappear.

  4. Create/Email PC Forms - Forced excel node to be on for these menu items regardless of the system default being ticked or not. Should fix issues with productions complaining about blank forms.

  5. Journal Entry Column Sorting - Fixed issue with sorting columns in the entry screen and lines disappearing.

  6. New Attachment Control - Fixed issue with non-pdf documents not being able to be downloaded.

  7. Spiderhead EFT US File Creation - Added some fields required to code up the EFT file for Spiderhead’s US EFT.

  8. Tax Balance Message - Changed the GST does not Balance tax message to Tax does not balance across all modules.

  9. Chart of Accounts - Fixed an issue where changing an account code would revert back to the previously entered code after closing the CoA window.

Feb 1, 2021

  1. Attachment Upload in Entry Screens - Fixed issue with uploading documents with long file paths or periods in file paths and the upload failing. The other modules (inquiry screens) will be added in the next update.

  2. Attachment Upload in PO Entry -

    1. The previously visited file path is now saved for the user when they attempt to upload a file via explorer.

    2. The PO Entry attachment screen was missing the attachment control to view files. A new chrome based attachment control has been added to this screen for viewing PDF files. It does not work for non-pdf files currently.

  3. Netflix Upload - Added a system generated description to any transactions with blank description fields in the Netflix Upload.

  4. PC Fuel and PC Fuel Invoices - Fixed issue where the PC Date for PC Generated Invoices was getting cut off from YYYY to YY which displayed the incorrect year.

  5. Emailing PC FormsSystem Defaults → Petty Cash - A new System Default has been added to prevent the “Email PC Form” option from moving PC Forms to the next open batch. If this is turned on, Emailed PC Forms will remain in the same batch they were entered into. The default functionality is to move the emailed pc form to the next open batch.