Transaction Tab - Budget Worksheet

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Transaction Tab - Budget Worksheet

The transactions tab with the Budget Worksheet allows users to view transactions within a specific chart code. The transactions from this tab can also be exported into excel where changes to specific details can be made and pasted back into the transactions window. Users can also choose to include unposted transactions into this list to gain a better perspective of the total balance and the debits and credits that have occurred with the chart code.


Below are instructions on how to navigate to the transactions tab as well as how to export the transactions into excel and paste back in and lastly how to make unposted transactions visible within the transactions listing.



Navigate To Transaction Tab

1. Go to General Ledger → Budget Worksheet


2. Once the Budget Worksheet is open, choose a chart code by selecting it. The chart code will become highlighted in blue.


3. Click Transactions and the full list of transactions from this chart code will appear


  • The chart code will be displayed at the bottom of the page in the left hand corner. You can also choose to exclude the reconciled item and zero lines in the top right hand corner.


  • The exclude rec items is commonly used for reconciling the GST/VAT accounts as there can be thousands of transactions in the chart code which are not relevant to a current period. See the following article to reconcile transactions in the budget worksheet. How to Reconcile Transactions


Export Transactions In Excel And Paste Back In


  1. Once you have the transactions tab open in the specific account, select all transactions, or just those you require to export


2. Right click the mouse and click Excel or click the Excel button on the right hand side.


3. The transaction will then open in Excel.


From here you can choose to change the following:

  • Chart Code (Excel Export Only)

  • Insurance Field

  • Free Field

  • Tax Field

  • Description

  • Voucher Number

  • Invoice number 

    • Only available for Journals

  • EmpRef

  • Asset Disposal 

  • Sale Amount


4. Now once the changes have been made, select column A to column AD and all the distribution lines excluding the header and footer. Select copy and paste back into the main body of the transactions tab. To paste right click the mouse and select paste.


Include Unposted Transaction In Transaction Tab


1. Navigate to the Budget Worksheet


2. Select the Setup Options Tab


3. Now select with unposted transactions you would like to appear in the Budget Worksheet, then click Recalc Above.


4. The unposted transaction will appear in the budget worksheet main screen. To see this transaction in the transaction listing, select the chart code then click the Transactions tab.


You may need to click refresh in the Transactions tab if you had the chart code previously open before selecting to show unposted transactions. The transaction will appear without a period so that it can be clearly identified, you can also reference the batch number in the transaction’s detail.


5. Make sure to go back to the Setup Options and turn off the unposted transactions once complete. Again you will need to click Recalc Above to refresh the Budget Worksheet without unposted transactions

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