Export Vendors Information / Editing Vendors in Bulk

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Export Vendors Information / Editing Vendors in Bulk

To create an excel spreadsheet of the vendor details, including bank and contact details, you can export your list of Vendors into Excel format.

You can then edit these vendor details in excel and paste them back into your production with the updated details. You can also use this method to bulk transfer vendors between productions.

1. Open Accounts Payable > Vendor Master Maintenance.

2. Tick the Select All checkbox.

3. Right-click in the window and select Excel.

4. Excel will pop open with the data requested.

5. You can then make edits to the Vendor information in Excel and then Paste it back into Eclipse to update the vendors or to add new ones.

  • To paste the excel sheet select the vendor row(s) in Excel from Column A to AX, excluding any Header or Footer rows. Then right click Vendor Master Maintenance and click Paste.

  • The Column AM in Excel called ID is what links the record in Excel to the existing vendor record in Eclipse.

    • If this ID already exists in Eclipse it will update the vendor with the details in Excel.

    • If this ID does not already exist in Eclipse, a new vendor will be created upon paste in.


  • If you wish to add a new Vendor from Excel instead of using Eclipse, insert a new vendor row in Excel and leave Column AM (ID) blank. Enter the vendor’s details into the new row in Excel then paste into Eclipse.


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