Default Vendor Tax Code

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Default Vendor Tax Code

It is not possible to set a blanket default for all Eclipse users. The tax code is taken from the vendor and their tax details. For example, if the vendor has their tax code set to T1 it will be pulled into the PO, Invoice and Petty Cash as the default.


You will have to go through your Vendor Master Maintenance list in Eclipse and ensure that vendors have the correct tax code selected in their settings.

  • You can do this by going into Vendor Master Maintenance → Edit a Vendor → Tax Codes tab

  • You can do a bulk update of existing vendors tax codes by exporting to Excel, inserting a tax code, then pasting it back in. See this guide here: Export Vendors Information / Editing Vendors in Bulk


When an accounts Eclipse user is entering vendor details into Eclipse they can set their user defaults under Control Table > User Entry Defaults → Default Vendor Tax Code to pre-fill the tax code of choice when creating a new vendor.

If users are creating their own vendors in EzyPO then it's not possible to force them to select a certain tax code, as they will have a list of all Eclipse tax codes to choose from. You can, however, block all users from adding vendors in EzyPO if you want to have some finer control.

See also : Indirect Tax Codes


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