Inserting a New Invoice

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Inserting a New Invoice

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Entering Invoices

1. In the main menu bar select Accounts Payable > Invoice Cheque Entry. The Invoice Entry Batch window will appear. click the New button to insert a new batch. You can always rename the batch by right-clicking on the batch name in the Invoice Entry Batch window and select Rename.

2. The Unposted Invoice List window will appear select Insert to enter a new invoice.

3. The Invoice Entry window will appear. Begin to enter the details of the invoice.


4. Make sure the correct Bank code is selected. To change this default, check your User Entry Defaults


5. In the Vendor Field enter the Vendor Code or select the ellipsis menu to search for the vendor, then double-click the correct vendor name. If the vendor name does not exist, click Add New Vendor and add details

If your vendor codes have been set up by vendor name you can also just type in the first couple of letters in the Vendor field, then hit Tab on your keyboard and the vendor name will be selected or all similar matches will appear allowing you to select the correct name.

6. Select the correct tax code, to change the default tax code for the vendor.


7. In the Invoice number field enter the Invoice Number.


8. Enter the Invoice Date and Due Date.


9. Enter the barcode scan number from the sticker in the Attach field if you are using iEclipse to upload scanned documents.


10. Enter the full Invoice Amount. Once tabbed to the next field, Tax distribution line will appear. Check tax amount is the same that appears on the invoice.


11. If you are not using a posted purchase order, tab past the P/O Trfer field.


If you are using a posted purchase order, enter the PO number or select the ellipsis menu to select from a list of PO’s currently posted to the selected vendor.

Select the distribution lines you would like to carry over and select from one of the following, then press the Transfer button. The PO will have its balance altered at this stage.

NOTE: You need to be acutely aware when entering invoices how your actions will affect a PO and what impact this can have on the production cost reporting.

  • If you do not use the PO Lookup to bring across PO Lines onto an invoice and simply type the PO# and status onto a line entered for the invoice, the PO will not be subtracted or cleared.

  • If you pull across a PO and later amend that line on the invoice, the PO will not be updated and needs to be fixed manually (if the status was S and you changed to C on the line this will clear the PO line).

  • When subtracting lines, it may leave a balance on the PO. Check this is intentional, otherwise use the Clear option when pulling across the Po lines.

  • Subtract - subtracts Invoice amount(s) from PO lines. Thus leaving the lines on the PO for future draw-downs.

  • Clear - clears transaction lines from the PO

  • Ignore - transfers over all the details from the lines, but the original lines will remain on the PO


12. Enter the invoice description, which can be used for distribution description. If you have transferred a PO, then the purchase order description will be auto-populated.


13. If you have selected that there is a tax code for the invoice, then the Tax distribution line will automatically be entered in the first distribution line. Also, if you have drawn-downs from a PO, then those lines will appear.


14. Enter the distribution lines, listing the chart of accounts number, any free-fields, description, tax and total amounts.

15. If you have already paid the invoice via a manual cheque, then enter the cheque number and date in the Other Details tab.


Other Details Tab

16. Once complete, press Enter. If your distribution totals in all tabs and the Tax distribution line are equal, then the entry will move to the Unposted Invoice List screen and you will be ready to enter your next invoice or to post this one.


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