AU AP Payment Times Report

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AU AP Payment Times Report


Australian production companies have been requested to provide reports on their payment times to small suppliers and the required information can be generated in Eclipse by using the Invoice Inquiry Report engine.

To access the report window, click on Accounts Payable and select Invoice Inquiry/Adjustment from the drop down menu. Click on Reports located on the right of the Invoice Inquiry window.


In the Invoice Inquiry Report window, ensure that the report is set to Input Control and the Excel option is ticked before clicking on OK at the bottom to generate the Excel report.



An Excel spreadsheet similar to the screenshot below should be generated.

The columns that are utilised for the Payment Times report are:

  • Column E - Invoice Date

  • Column F - Invoice Received Date

  • Column I - Cheque Date

  • Column L - Due Date


The invoice received date field should be updated when invoices are entered into Eclipse. This can be done from the Invoice Entry Window → Other Details tab.

If OCR is used, this field should auto-populate with the date to was emailed to DPF/OCR.



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