Save Excel Reports directly to Disk

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Save Excel Reports directly to Disk

With the new 6.1 Go-Global release MAC Users are required to save their Excel files directly to their local computer. Users can then navigate to the folder the file is saved in and open it.

Windows users will have their Excel files opened in their local copy of Excel, or they can opt to have their Excel files saved directly on their local computer by ticking Step 3 below.


1. Make sure you have the latest Go-Global AppController client installed from: Installing Eclipse Software and Login


MAC Users

1. Navigate to Control Table > User Entry Defaults and tick Mac User. This will set your file save path to an Eclipse folder on your desktop. You can then press OK. If you are a MAC OS User and you turn this option off, Excel reports will not generate for you. 

2. Create an Eclipse folder on your Desktop if it does not exist.


All Users

3. Navigate to Control Table > User Entry Defaults > General and tick Save Excel to DiskThen edit the folder path the files are saved into if you want to change the default save path.


By default, Windows will be set as M:\Eclipse which is saving into your local C:\Eclipse folder. Ensure that you have created an Eclipse folder in the root of your C:\ Drive.

By default, MAC will be set as M:\Desktop\Eclipse, which is saving to an Eclipse folder on your Desktop. Ensure you have created an Eclipse folder on your desktop.

The M:\ Drive is your local C:\ Drive. Eclipse reads this as M:\ so please keep this in mind when editing the path that it must always start with M:\ and not C:\. If the file path starts with C:\ reports will not generate.

Examples for MAC:


Examples for Windows:




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