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How to run Section 16/1099 Reports

Follow the guide below to run your Section 16 Reports.



Running the Report

  1. Open Accounts Payable Invoice Inquiry Reports

  2. Select Summary as the Report Type

  3. Select your Run Date. This date will be printed as your Period End Date in the Section 16 Report.

  4. Tick Excel.


  5. Navigate to the Range Tab

  6. Select Paid

  7. Tick Section 16 Report (this tells the system to create a Section 16 Report format).

  8. Set all other filters as desired.

  9. Press OK to run your report.


Report Outline

  • Currency (Column I) is taken from the Vendor Setup in Vendor Master Maintenance.

  • Inc Vat (Column J) is taken from the Vendor Setup in Vendor Master Maintenance. It uses the vendor’s default tax code. Whether the vendor is setup with the tax code V is used to determine if this field prints as Y or N.

  • Period End Date (Column K) is taken from the Run Date field in Invoice Inquiry Reports (Step 3).

  • Payment Description (Column L) is taken from the Comments field in Vendor Setup under Vendor Master Maintenance. It is located under Vendor Master Maintenance → Vendor Details → General Tab → Comments.


Tagging a vendor as S16

To tag vendors as S16 you can use one of two fields when setting them up. You can use the existing 1099 vendor (US) flag by ticking it, or enter in a descriptor manually into the Studio Vendor code field.

Using the Studio Code field

  • Enter in a set of characters into the Studio Vendor Code field under Vendor Master Maintenance → Vendor Setup → Tax Details. For example: S16

  • When running your reports enter in the same character filter under the Studio Code. For example: S16.

Using the 1099 Tag

  • Tick the 1099 Vendor (US) checkbox when setting up your vendor under Vendor Master Maintenance → Vendor Setup → Tax Details.


  • When running your report, navigate to the 1099 Table and tick Only 1099 Vendors.