Financial Reports - Merging Sequence Ranges

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Financial Reports - Merging Sequence Ranges

The Sequence Range allows you to total cost codes when the codes aren't organised in alphanumerical order. What merges the different ranges is the sequence range number under the Seq column.

In this example, the accountant wanted to combine Codes 0 to BBBB and codes EA to EA1 under an ABOVE THE LINE total.


If they wrote it as one sequence range from 0 to E it would include all codes in between this entire range, but they wanted codes C and D to be included under different totals.


So to get around this, create multiple sequence ranges, but use the same sequence number to combine them into one

In the screenshot below, they used sequence range number 005 and created two separate sequence ranges from 0 to BBBB and EA to EA which will combine under the first sequence range, ABOVE THE LINE.


They also merged a second sequence range under 025 to combine codes D to D and EA1 to EA1 under a PRODUCTION COSTS total.


Remember that Eclipse runs in alphanumeric order, so it first starts at (blank), 0, 1, 2, 3, etc until all numbers are exhausted, then it starts from A, B, C, D, etc until it reaches Z. 


In the below example the accountant is using 9999 and 999 in their Detl and Set columns because they are not using any letters in their Detl and Set codes. If you are using letters you would use ZZZZ and ZZZ for both these Detl and Set columns to include any accounts with letters.

In the example above, the cost Report is generated in the following headers:

1. Above the Line Costs

Accounts from (blank) to BBBB.9999.999

Accounts from EA to EA.9999.9999

2. Production Crew

Accounts from C to CZZZ.9999.999

3. Production Costs

Accounts from D to DZZZ.9999.999

Accounts from EA1 to EA1

4. Post Production

Accounts from R to XXXX.9999.999

5. Other Costs

Accounts from Y to ZZZZ.9999.999

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