Adding additional Free Fields to Vendor Master Maintenance

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Adding additional Free Fields to Vendor Master Maintenance

You can add and record additional Free Fields per vendor in the Vendor Master Maintenance module and then dump these out to Excel for additional vendor rebate information.

Note: These additional free fields do not display in Eclipse’s entry screens, only in Vendor Master maintenance. These Free Fields are solely for recording additional rebate flags for a vendor.



Setting the name of the Free Fields

Firstly, you will need set the name for the four Free Fields in the System Defaults → Vendor Setup tab (or leave them as the default).


Entering in Free Fields for a Vendor via VMM

Navigate to the Accounts PayableVendor Master Maintenance screen and open a vendor.

Then navigate to the Defaults General nested tab where you can enter in values into the Free Fields.


Entering in Free Fields for a Vendor via Excel

Alternatively, you can do a vendor master maintenance export to Excel via Vendor Master Maintenance right clickExcel (Export Vendors Information / Editing Vendors in Bulk) make your changes, then paste it back in to populate the free fields for each vendor.


Exporting to Excel

Once you free fields have been entered, you can then export the vendors to Excel via Vendor Master Maintenance right clickExcel and the Free Fields will be displayed as the last columns in the report.



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